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Everything posted by BADWOLF525

  1. So are you saying that everytime I switch it off and then bk on again I have to re setup all the points and loco ids every time there's power lost yes av read about the fav list would reprogramming the ACC with the Elite solve the point problem ps could I add the point address's in the fav or is that just for loco adress
  2. Thanks very much for your help av updated it now and reads on startup hornby standed v1. 45 am now going to filled with it and if the update have sorted it out..... Well all seems to be fine now I get what you meant about how to turn the lights on and off thanks again guys its still losing all the points and acc info
  3. My pc has RM and the elink on the pc it's windows 11 do I just unplug the elink and plug the Elite in its place can you post links to the software and how to use it please thanks
  4. It's says hornby DCC V. 1 at startup yes I know how to operate the lights in RM its how am I going to turn them on and off with the the Elite as I won't be using RM any longer controls 1&2 on the Elite move both the points or trains so how do I get on of them to work the leds I configured the ACC with RM I have never plugged the Elite into the pc the Elite is to replace the RM as to the leds. it's the address 007 if I assign it to either 1or 2 it stops what ever was assigned to the control before and will now only turn said light on and off and not move the point the leds are for lighting the engine shead and not stoping lights
  5. Right OK hear go's the R8247 has Been configured in RM and as the hornby FAQ address 005 channel 5/6=pulsed for points A&B 7=congratulations leds +- 12v 20ma 8 not used I havent preprogrammed the Elite I have just plugged it in set up the points and put a train on it works fine so do the points note I can get the light to work but I have to change 006 =point 2 dile 2 on the Elite to 007 but doing this then only let's dile 2 turn the lights on or off pushing it of course but if I turn it off all this is lost. Can I only use the push Dails to switch points and the direction of the train or can I use them to turn the lights on plus I don't have the Elite plugged into the pc
  6. So I bought a Elite its not been used to my knowledge works fine but when I switch it off all the settings reset so am guessing that it needs some sort of update is this correct? Plus how do I trun on/off the lights that are connected to the R8247 port 3 with the Elite both points work fine just as a note thanks in advance BW
  7. Hi I have just bought two gaugemaster Dcc81 that are wired straight to the track with motors one of the PM moves when I move it manually and moves bk but it's clicking? the other one doesn't move my question is do I now have to get a accessory decoder if not how do I program it with out one where in RM can I address it do I have to it on the programing track?? Please have tanks BW
  8. thanks guys, this uint has CDU on bord and can be powerd both ways IE track or power bus as for the lighting i think i read somewhere that playing about with the decoders settings will give a pulse to a constant output but that may have been a lighting decoder tec specks i was reading am not a 100% sure but thanks a lot guys
  9. i dont have it yet mate am asking before i start to add points, lights, i need them all to be independent what i need to know will eatch decoder work like a wireless switch geting the power from the rails and using the fution outputs of the decoder to run said componant i know you can buy lighting controlers but thats not i want
  10. now i have my Dcc up and runing its time to stat add things to the layout IE: points ,lighting now because i have the setup in my liveing room i cant have endless amounts of wires runing round the room the first pic LH is of the dcc point motor controler i entend to buy you can program it what i need to know is do i have to use (see second pic) that to controll everthing or do i just treat the decoder like any othe and set it up in RM and give an ID and fuction am looking to do the same with the lights so that all light points ect are run useing dcc decoders and futions will this work thanks for your time and input BW
  11. yeah sounds good to me thanks. i can't run loco's in different directions becuse there is only one track looped unless i work out how to do that. its in the living room see pic, yes i know you can run more then one loco thats why i went with dcc. most of the turnings are 1st radius so i can only run loco's that run on that Am having to redo two of the bottom RH turnings because the coach’s wont go around them
  12. thanks al bear that in mind but there is only going to be 2 locos on the track for now the second one i have to buy yet and the decoder this part is where it gets tricky am not good with nubers lol CV 1 = primary address 1 = loco 0003 so the reprogram would look like this CV1 = primary address 1 = loco 0001 yes? the loco icon is not on as you can see in the pic dose this only come on when you programing the loco?
  13. am glad to say that the first dcc train is now up and runing
  14. yeah first thing i did was get a upto date copy of RM as the Pc has no optical drive av not shut RM down all day and seems ok for now thanks i have how ever posted somthing in the DDC decoder part if you would mind takeing a look time permitting of course thanks agian
  15. now i have my elink working i am on the next set of problems lol hear go's the pic shows the loco am trying to add to RM i have installed the 77150 decoder into it dubel checking the pins are the right way and think i have set it up right its on a program track but there is no life to it do i have it set correcley in the pic?? or do i need to edit the pannel on the left that has notting init thanks in advance
  16. i did have it working for a bit ,i dont have any other pc to run it on. the unit its self makes a low level buzzing sound is this normal???. as you can see from my post above i have done everthing in the guides and FAQ as some of you have sed it all looks to be in order so where and what i do now all this is stopping getting the decoders and fitting them untill RM is working thanks again for your time and responces so.............. i have just pluged the RM back in and all seems to be working now for how long i do not know thanks agin for all your guy's help NOTE... if i close RM i then have to restart windows and then restart RM for it to run again i have done this four times now and it seems to be the only way it wants to work not great but better then it not working at all
  17. so lets start this again in the right place am having trouble with the Elink and windows 11 now i have done some research and I am no computer expert I have tried diffent com ports I have even modified the RM file as in the FAQ this time around I have made screen shots what is set and even a copy of the RM file its self I hope someone can help because I cant finish my setup until this is sorted out the fist pic is what happends when i pulg in RM and the driver is asined am guessing at that. the second one is to show what com pot its set too 3rd is to show the settings that matched and the 4th is the error message am getting from RM last of all is a copyed RM file that is instarlled & modifyed as per the Guide i hope this makes sench to someone who can help plus i alway run the softwhere in administrator mode Tipper speed=80 Tipper timer=86.4 Turntable speed=40 Turntable timer=23.56 Points timer=0.75 Conveyor speed=65 TCP start port=30 Double pulse=0 Check serial ports=1 Show upgrade button=1 Allow deactivate=1 Use default curves=1 Polling time=5 Confirm delete=1 Classic buttons=0 Show point indicators=1 Uncoupler time=5 Detection Timeout=5 Button bar vertical=0 Throttle timer=5 Handheld plan area=1,1,135,135 Program tick sound=1 PING time=60 Reset eLink on start=0 Enable mouse=0 Warn static IP=1 Load Hornby Locos=1 Load Jouef Locos=0 Load Rivarossi Locos=0 Load Electrotren Locos=0 Load Arnold Locos=0 Load Bassett-Lowke Locos=0 Point button arrows=1 Spoken confirmation=0 Controllers on top=1 Double pulse=0 Alternative Comms2=0 Check controller2=0 Elite feedback=0 Full controllers=0 Show animations=1 Expand plan=0 Alternative Comms=1 Check controller=1
  18. this is a copy of the RM FILE maybe some one can see if there is somthing up thanks again Tipper speed=80 Tipper timer=86.4 Turntable speed=40 Turntable timer=23.56 Points timer=0.75 Conveyor speed=65 TCP start port=30 Double pulse=0 Check serial ports=1 Show upgrade button=1 Allow deactivate=1 Use default curves=1 Polling time=5 Confirm delete=1 Classic buttons=0 Show point indicators=1 Uncoupler time=5 Detection Timeout=5 Button bar vertical=0 Throttle timer=5 Handheld plan area=1,1,135,135 Program tick sound=1 PING time=60 Reset eLink on start=0 Enable mouse=0 Warn static IP=1 Load Hornby Locos=1 Load Jouef Locos=0 Load Rivarossi Locos=0 Load Electrotren Locos=0 Load Arnold Locos=0 Load Bassett-Lowke Locos=0 Point button arrows=1 Spoken confirmation=0 Controllers on top=1 Double pulse=0 Alternative Comms2=0 Check controller2=0 Elite feedback=0 Full controllers=0 Show animations=1 Expand plan=0 Alternative Comms=1 Check controller=1
  19. no mate its pluged into the same port all the time
  20. i did have it working i keep on having to change to com port settings and un install the divice and plug it back in again some times it work and some times it dont and now i have done my track plan i really dont wan to have to uinstall RM again
  21. yes i understand all this mate thanks for your inpu and will put aside some time to have SHUNT at it all but i do have it working now and activated thanks for your time BW
  22. thanks guys i have tried all of the fact page with not much looking at this point am kinda fed up with it and want to put it in the bin massive wast of money and was a birthday treat i think hornby need to sort out there softwhere problems no one want to be keep messing about with problems i have even emailed tech serport i have even tried to modify the RM settings but thay all as the FAQ says they shuld be its all so seeing the com port its on and the settings in DM are the same as RM it wont even acctivate with the code so as you can see am not haveing much luck moving into DDC i can give contact inif if somone is willing to other than that the only thing to do is buy the sclect
  23. hi i have bought an e link & railmaster i canot get it to run i have tryed changing the com ports to diffent one to no end i have tryed everthing i can think of plus i have allso bought 48SD 040 and flat bed No GR5090 & a six pin decoder but upon opening it there seeems to be a PCB in there do i haver to fit the decoder to that or is the pcb in loco a DCC decoder as i serspcet so if it is where do i get the info from to add it to railmaster am rather new to this so any help would be good its cost me a lot and am at my wits end with it lol thanks
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