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  1. Thanks, have had a look and will give it a go
  2. Hi, I'm having issues with a bachmann class 20 with a zimo decoder on railmaster with elink. Currently it has 2 speeds, at 1-3mph on throttle its a crawl, anything over 3mph it goes to full speed (and I mean full warp 9.9) and ends up coming off track. I have checked speed cvs, and cv29 that speedsteps are correct but nothing seems to make a difference. I have tried the loco on another brand controller on another layout and it works perfectly. I have tried to delete and reinstall the loco 3 times as this worked previously and for others and for me previously. Any suggestions welcome? Does anyone know if turning off the use default speed curves setting in the INI file would do anything (or would that cause problems elsewhere? Someone suggested setting it up as a different class loco from the roster list but not sure what that would achieve? All my other decoders are ESU and I have a programmer to set these us easily. I only have 1 hornby tts decoder which I don't run often.
  3. So, no effect on the tts fitted locos, the loksound fitted actually had no macros in the boxes so i set them up as a single F2, F3 etc and we are now back to a single sound at a time for now, thanks all for help.
  4. Havent tried it on the tts mallard (will try this evening) but so far its affecting Loksound v5 chipped locos
  5. Hi, just upgraded to latest railmaster version, everything working as it should (after re-entering com ports) except now all my sound locos are playing everything twice. So if i press long whistle it literally plays it 2 times one after the other, its every loco and only happened since update. On off function buttons (lights, smoke effect) seem to only send the 1 signal for on or off but any sounds seem to be sending 2 signals and im stuck, cant find an obvious fix 🤯 anyone had this before or know a fix? Its not the end of the world just annoying really. Thankyou.
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