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  1. I can’t seem to see any pics that are being posted? How do I see them. Can anyone help please ?
  2. Thank you very much all for your comments. That’s really good news for me. I follow both little Wicket and Jenny as well. Was a little worried as my options for returning a faulty decoder is limited as I live at the end of the world (last outpost before “there be dragons” 😊)
  3. Hi All some reviewers have mentioned that decoder chips burned out within a day. (Eg. Sam’s Trains ). has anyone in the forum experienced anything similar ?
  4. Thanks for the reply. I was planing to cut the harness out and solder the cables in. Just need to see if I can fit in the decoder and the cube speaker somewhere in there. DCC was always beyond my reach due to the high cost. HM7000 seems like my ticket to the DCC world. 😊
  5. Anyone tried to fit a 8 pin sound decoder to an older 0-4-0 ?
  6. The Hornby shop website shows the 8 pin decoder as having the below dimensions. Item Length - Without Packaging (cm) 1.8 Item Height - Without Packaging (cm) 1 Item Width - Without Packaging (cm) 0.7 However some reviews suggest the 8 pin sound decoder is actually 28.73 X 14.07 (L x W) in mm. can you confirm the size from the review is correct please ? If yes then wonder why the Hornby website is so way off i looked at the website and the given measurements seems like I can fit it into a older smaller loco (0-4-0). Just want to confirm if that’s a case. Appreciate your answers and thank you in advance.
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