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  1. I just thought I`d share this build again in a slightly different format... Attempted to make this look like an old Black & white archive photo with a bit of Photoshop jiggery-pokery. (Obviously, the forbidden tail symbol has been removed for political reasons, but it is present on the actual model for historical accuracy) It's an Airfix 1/72 BF109E-3 Starter set in case you have not seen this before. Let me know what you think? Does it work? Cheers. Tom
  2. Ok, So my last little project off the bench before I get back into the daily non-modeling work grind. This is a Tamiya kit, (I hope it's allowed) I`ve now decided to give my builds a name. Calling this one "Old Trolly - New Rocket" The transportation trolly would have been used many times, whereas the V1 was pretty much a "One use machine" therefore, the trolly received a "Hammering" at the weathering stage and the V1 weathering was kept to a minimum. (As it would never really come back in one piece or in good condition) As you all probably know, I always like to be honest about my builds. I started this as a "quick gratification project" you know... something to get done & completed and enjoy in minimal time?... Hmm, didn't quite work out that way to be fair. Although it's a Tamiya kit, the centre joint took quite a bit of work to get right (ish) and I won't tell you about the little front prop which is moulded/tooled onto one of the sides (Very very delicate) ... primed for snapping off whilst working on the joints - well yes, that happened, so I had to scratch build a new one. It all took a little longer than expected but hey ho... (That`s part of the fun) All in all, I`m reasonably happy with this build all things considered - would be great to get your thoughts on it. Hope you like it. Cheers. Tom
  3. Hmm, the forbidden tail symbol can be a challenge, I have digitally removed it from another series of shots…
  4. Hi Folks, Another little starter kit off the workbench. Airfix 1/72 BF109-E3 Starter kit (A68205) as flown by Werner Pichon-Kalau von Hofe, III./JG 51, France 1940 I won't lie, I had a few little challenges with this one. Some of the parts are so small & delicate that they simply broke or were damaged by careful handling/fitting to the model. Namely the antenna mast & a couple of the small underwing components. I had to get creative & scratch-build them (Or buy another kit, so I scratch-built them accompanied by a fair dose of swearing) Paints were Tamiya, with Winsor & Newton oils, and Mig & Tamiya weathering powders/rigging. Tail symbol courtesy of Hannants. I have also taken some shots with the engine cover off, but can only offer 3 photos here - maybe next time... Hope you like it... Happy Easter. Cheers. Tom
  5. Thanks Very Much !! I'm posting a couple of new projects today/tomorrow 1) Airfix Starter kit BF109-E3 & 2) A Tamiya 1/48 Fieleler Fi103. Hope you like them ! Cheers. Tom.
  6. Super chuffed to have had my little Airfix 1/72 (Starter kit) Mustang of 112 Squadron feature in the Airfix Model World magazine this month (May 2023 Issue #150) It has inspired me to get on with other unfinished projects on the bench. (When I get the time) Sorry if the magazine images are pixelated - The internet always seems to downsize the image quality) Hope you like it, let me know your thoughts? Happy Easter all !!
  7. Thanks, Randall, Shame I put the gas patch in the wrong place - I was only following the instructions in the kit - apparently, it should have been further inboard... oh well, should have researched it a bit better on this one. (Lesson learned folks) :-)
  8. So I started this little project in 2015 but sadly it got relegated to the "I`ll finish it when I get time Box. However, it's now finished so I thought I might share it. Initially, I started this kit to practice painting and weathering techniques and it was intended to represent a very well-used and busy aircraft of the time. As I mentioned, I used this for practice, so it may be too heavily weathered for some tastes, but it was good "boot camp fodder" and a great way to get comfortable with some techniques I have developed and some that have been "borrowed" ...every day is a school day in our hobby right? I hope you like it? I`d be delighted to share any techniques I've learned and developed over time here on this forum for the benefit of all. All comments are welcome - please be kind - this was an early practice piece LOL!! Cheers. Tom.
  9. Thanks for your comments folks - much appreciated ! Now then, getting the antenna wire through the bubble canopy was a bit of a "death or glory" moment, with a little practice on an old part, I managed to figure out just how much pressure to put on the drill without creating a "dum dum" effect on the inside of the glass. If you are trying for the same on a similar model, I suggest taking your time, taking it slow, and certainly, don't have a beer in your hand when attempting it !!. The rest is down to attaching the wire and fixing it all in place.
  10. Oh, forgot to mention, the red gun covers were masked and painted using Scale 75 paint. Very fluid and easy to use. :-)
  11. Hey Dom, Thanks. I used mainly Tamiya paints, MIG weathering powders, and Oils (For steaking effects) & the decals were supplied as per the standard kit. So essentially straight out of the box apart from the included paints, oh, and some Eduard aftermarket belts but they are hard to see with the Canopy closed... one thing I particularly like to use is "Looks like Glass" for the clear parts, it seems to give quite a realistic glass effect over the original moldings, Simply dip into the pot, let it dry overnight & you're away. Glad you like it Dom. Cheers. Tom.
  12. Glad to call this little 1/72 Mk1 Spitfire starter kit finished. Its been sitting in a box part complete for a number of years... on with the next one now... Hope you like it!
  13. Thanks very much !! grinning
  14. After a very long break from the Hobby and with a few "partial builds" in the box, I made a concerted effort to get this one finished. (1/72 North American Mustang - 112 Squadron, Italy 1945) (Starter/gift set) Got a few more in completion... It would be good to get your views... I think I`m on a roll... Cheers. Tom
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