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Everything posted by Hangartime

  1. Hangartime


    From the album: Ian's Airfix kitbuilds

  2. Hangartime


    From the album: Ian's Airfix kitbuilds

  3. Hangartime

    A05129 .JPG

    From the album: Ian's Airfix kitbuilds

    © HT

  4. Hangartime

    A05119 .JPG

    From the album: Ian's Airfix kitbuilds

    © HT

  5. Hangartime


    From the album: Ian's Airfix kitbuilds

    © HT

  6. Hangartime


    From the album: Ian's Airfix kitbuilds

    © HT

  7. Hangartime


    From the album: Ian's Airfix kitbuilds

    © HT

  8. Hangartime


    From the album: Ian's Airfix kitbuilds

    © HT

  9. Hangartime


    From the album: Ian's Airfix kitbuilds

    © HT

  10. Hangartime


    From the album: Ian's Airfix kitbuilds

    © HT

  11. Hangartime

    TEST A50180 A04058.jpg

    © Test

  12. Beaver Corporation make these resin items and specialise in Imperial Navy/Amry crew figures. Looks part of set BELF7218, usually Hobbylink Japan have them.
  13. Exactly the same, advantage is you have things like washes and lacquers along with a myriad of tools now that can transform older kits. Now I'd do kits I wouldn't have thought of doing a few years ago.
  14. Possibly the Bf109F in 1/72 will come out in 1/48 too. Last F from Airfix came out in early '70's.
  15. Definitely check SD45elect2000's setup. They're best background boards and shots by far. Crisp, in focus, simple and very effective.
  16. All the above, fortunately it can be done simply with a roll of railway grass and a camera phone. Best backdrops are natural as it sets the tone for the model. If you prefer, just about anything can be printed onto A3. I have about 3/4 ground scenarios for this, 2 with railway grass rolls glued on. Rather than thousands of words.. in brief. Natural backdrops, mist/fog can be useful. Action shots, even wind or a fan has advantages. Angles and shadows can make all the difference. Night scenes can be made even without a backdrop. Even daytime dioramas don't necessarily need a backdrop. I'd say muck around and find out what works for you. You'll eventually find your own style.
  17. I'd agree with that. Thinking too the DH Dragon Rapide or DH 88 Coment in 1/48 would be nice additions. Plenty of Rapide schemes too. A 1/48 Gladiator could be a great option based on 1/72 kit upscale too.
  18. Another LIM-5, nice kit with about 1/3 of build time applying very small decals. Well detailed rear section with airbrakes open. 2 canopies with or without mirror option. Also rockets included for Egyption versions (decals for this option not included). No filler required but substantial weight needed in nose. Kit comes with a drum for tail end to 'sit' on if you can't pack enough weight in.
  19. Hi there, Jeff, Can't see yours there but you can't link through an attachment within a drive, which is fair enough. Still figuring it out myself but everyone will soon enough I'd say. You'll know when it's successful as it will upload.
  20. Airfix A05140 AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJjKkLlMmNnOoPpQqRrSsTtUuVvWwXxYyZz1234567890 The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
  21. Airfix A05140 Test case20240216_155126.heic AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJjKkLlMmNnOoPpQqRrSsTtUuVvWwXxYyZz1234567890 The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
  22. Looking good, just finished this kit also using Mr Hobby paints. Very nice to build and no putty required.
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