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  1. Those Meccano yellow plugs look like they're from the 70s rather than the 50s, but I'm ordering a couple anyway to see whether they fit. If they don't, I'll order some of the bling 3.5 plugs. Thanks to all for your help. When I find plugs that fit I'll post here, in case someone else ends up with the same query.
  2. Thanks for your post. I've tried 4mm banana plugs, & they're too big. I've tried 3mm banana plugs, & they're too small. While 3.5mm banana plugs exist, I'd have to buy a bag of 20 plugs and sockets, just to get a couple of plugs that still may be too big. And I'd rather have vintage Hornby jacks that look the part than gold plated bling! I just thought someone on here may know where I could get original parts, or something that looks similar.
  3. I'm using T20 transformer to power Meccano, but I can't find jackplugs to fit it. Can anyone tell me where to find some? At the moment I'm using 3mm banana plugs, but they are a very loose fit and fall out. Thanks!
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