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  1. Today I received a very efficient (naturally) delivery from Germany A twin pack of Arnold beer wagons, grass matting, gravel matting and a triple pack of crossing boards. I’m a happy bunny!
  2. Very brave indeed! I wouldn’t attempt track. Like you I’m new to this, and it is all a learning curve. Hopefully we all have fun too most of the time. I’ve had frustrations and temper fits, but also moments of extreme relaxation, pleasure and have impressed myself at some of my new skills. Thanks for your lovely post
  3. Thanks for all the responses. I’m still unsure if it’ll work for me or not! I’ll get my coat!
  4. I’m sorry to have to press this point further, but talk of DC, AC, DCC reminds me of a rock band, but doesn’t help me understand what I’ll need to get this to work with my layout. I’m thinking I will have to wait for the Hornby solution but I’m not anywhere near 100% about that! I use the Hornby DCC app as controller, and my track is powered via the power kit included with the DCC Easterner Train set, as pictured below. Would one of you knowledgeable types please advise me
  5. Thanks for the info and links. I had no idea that this was a thing, and I’m excited by the prospect. This will definitely feature in my impending layout and my awareness that it is a “thing” has come at just the right moment. I need to order isolating fishplates!
  6. As a result of this thread I found myself logged in, and with a set of these in my basket. Unfortunately common sense prevailed and I remembered that I cannot really afford them at the moment. So I closed the site. No doubt Hornby will remind me later that we have unfinished business and I will have to be sensible all over again!
  7. I don’t want to take this thread off topic but is there any further info on these?
  8. It’s looking fabulous. I know I’m new here, and I’m definitely no purist. It’s your train, and your train set. It doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks. As long as you are happy and having fun. Nothing else matters. There’s always haters on forums, and rivet counters. If they don’t have something nice to say, don’t say it. You’ve put a lot of work into your train and your layout. I’m glad you’re sharing, it gives me inspiration and ideas 👍🏼
  9. Crescent Valley is simply amazing. If mine ends up half as good as yours, I’ll be happy. Be proud of your achievements and enjoy the fruits of your labour. It’s all a learning curve and your next layout will be even better than this one. Thanks for sharing your journey, with all the joy, and the pain. I have learned so much from this forum and I have a lot more to learn.
  10. I too have the containers from the German retailer. I think they are great and almost everyone who has seen my temporary build has commented positively. A very nice delivery @Porfuera
  11. I think it’s a fantastic resource Greg and I wish it had been available 3 months ago when I started. Very impressive. Thank you
  12. I too preferred the colours as I can better understand the status that way. It’s still a fab resource @Tim Allen so thank you. As for the level crossing, I can’t make my mind up. What I can’t understand is the increasing delays for it, I would have imagined it would not be a complex item to manufacture
  13. I love mine - go on, you know you want one!
  14. Not today but very recently. I bought these with money from a collection amongst my colleagues for my 60th birthday.
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