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Foggy Canopy Problems.


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I've recently started building an old Percival Proctor model that I've had in my stash for a while. It's basically the old Frog kit but from an Eastern European manufacturer. It's definately not a kit for beginners but I've managed to blunder my way through it. I do have a problem that has left me a bit stumped though; the cockpit canopy isn't a bad fit but has an horrible orange tint to it that makes it almost opaque. Does anyone know any good tips to breath new life back into an old transparancy? I have heard in the past that dipping into Johnsons 'Clear' can sometimes help, but also that the product is no longer manufactured. As a last resort I may have to buy the Frog kit again but these are going for stupid prices online, a bit annoying considering the last one I bought was about two bob. Any advice appreciated. 



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