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Connection Failure Notice


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I too use Firefox, and get this screen perhaps two or three times a week. Without fail, clicking the 'Try Again' button makes a connection at the second attempt almost instantaneously. Invariably it is due to a temporary response delay (network or the server is too busy) when the website and the browser are trying to exchange security credentials. Basically, a local browser security protocol time out. It should not give arise to any significant concern as long as it doesn't start happening constantly.


I daresay, AC will be along later and give one of his extended replies on the matter.


EDIT: Probably like me you are running Firefox version 52.0.......chances are Mozilla may have tightened up the protocol timers to make the browser run faster. In doing so, they have set a timer too tight and the ocassional security protocol handshake is timing out. However, this last minute edit explanation is just pure guesswork on my part.


Since the error is reported (error report tick box is ticked). Then I would assume that Mozilla are receiving 100's of these reports. Thus, I would assume that a fix will probably be released in due course. So the moral is to ignore the issue and be patient for the time being.


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Haha Chris... no extended reply from me this time. Your explanation is pretty much spot on. I can only add that we must note that not all connections to the same site each time we try and make it is a direct one. The route taken can go anywhere around the world's servers.

Thus timing WOULD be critical.

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