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Which cars will work with a Top Gear Power Laps set?

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I've just bought an old Top Gear Power Laps set for my son's birthday but clearly had no idea what I was getting into. The Ford GT broke on the first day - I don't know if it's repairable. The braid pad wasn't as flush to the body as the other car (a Porsche) and the part where the pad is screwed into has broken.

We ordered another car in a hurry because he really wants to play with it with his friends over the weekend but it doesn't work on the track. It's a McLaren 720S. It came without braids so we thought maybe new cars didn't use them. However, when the car didn't work, we put braids on and although the car was then powered and the wheels turned, they didn't grip the track and the car didn't move.

Really hoping to get him sorted with two working cars by Sunday for his birthday party!

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Hi Nicky,

Sounds like you got a used track and used cars and they are missing some vital parts and/or are slightly damaged.

Some tips:

  1. Set up the smallest possible oval you can.
  2. Test each car alone in each lane and see if its behavior changes in either lane.
  3. The above test will tell you if the track is bent/warped too dirty . If things go well keep adding pieces of track to eliminate if a certain piece is a problem
  4. Inspect the cars for obvious damage. When put on the track, the car should be level and all four wheels should touch the track. It should not lean in any one direct or have a wheel in the air.
  5. All cars need braids. Cars younger than 2009 have quick change braid plates that have an up and down side. https://uk.scalextric.com/community/advice/car-maintenance
  6. Older cars have the braids attached to the guide and the entire guide must be replaced.

Check out the advice page:https://uk.scalextric.com/community/advice?support_advice_type=all&page=1

for more tips.

It sounds like your broke the "floor pan" of the GT40. Online auction sites usually sell spares for cars. You can also contact Hornby directly but I doubt it will work by Sunday I am afraid!

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