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Elite not reading loco addresses


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My elite is not reading the addresses of my locos.
I can program the addresses using the program track connection and know this works as i have changed the standard address 0003 when i buy a loco to a new address .
when i try to read the address

back from the loco using the program track connection i get XXX dispalyed back.
Any help please!
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Try Restting the Elite first, page 40 of the operating manual, which you can also download from this website.
It may just have become corrupted a reset normally sorts things out.

A few other things to note are:-
Track and wheels clean?

this happen to all locos?
Which decoders are you using? Some decoders will only allow short addressing.
If the problem is on all Locos I would suspect the Elite, if it's just one loco/decoder then could be a decoder problem.

Have you tried connecting

a straight length of track with two wires directly to the Program track termninals on the back of the Elite, just so there is no possiblity of anything elese causing the problem.

If you've checked all of the above and it still wont read back addresses,

it could well be a hardware issue and the best thing to do is send it back to Hornby for repair.


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Thanks for the replys.
Got the elite to read the loco addresses the problem was the decoders were different,i bought 10 of them in 1 go,but some were nmra approved and some were not.
should of looked on all of the packets before i installed them.


anybody know if the elite can tell me what decoder is installed in a loco?

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There is an identity number stored in CV8. So if you find what number is stored in CV8 you can then compare it to the list of manufacturers numbers on this site http://www.nmra.org/standards/DCC/mfgnumbers.html
That should tell you who the manufacturer

is (or was) but it won't tell you the exact model of decoder. The list is probably out of date now, as a number of new manufacturers have sprung up recently and the NMRA tend to be very slow updating documentation - or doing anything really
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"some were not nmra approved"....

ah - if you mean that some were 8215 then as I recall there was little if any readback from these decoders. I just checked the leaflet and it does not specify which CVs can be read... this probably means none. This
would account for your XXX responses.


if you have just bought some 8215s you should contact Hornby. There were many reliability problems and the 8215 was withdrawn and replaced by the 8249.
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got the decoders fitted to the locos by the shop staff at a model fair,i guess they used both the 8215s and 8249s.should of told them to use only 8249s.
Is they anyway i can tell the difference either by what they look like and by using the elite?
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from reading a few emails from hornby the 8215 decoders do NOT support read back except in very late models when using reg mode.anyone else feel free to correct if you have a different experience.

so if you can read back the address in direct mode

it is almost certainly an 8249.

personally i think that it is a bit dodgy if a model shop is really installing 8215s. they mist have been phased out 2 years ago.
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