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Track Laying Dimensions


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When I built my helix I used 33mm clearance from the centre of the track to the supports so 50mm should be adequate. I also have fitted 150mm high perspex upstands around my 'edges' to hopefully stop anything falling off but these are also useful to stop me damaging the layout when I lean over!

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The way I read it the op was looking for clearance around the outside of the track to avoid hitting the shed walls.

Advice above appears to be aimed at the inner edge of the boards.

Different eyes see different things.

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Not quite RAF; Magfan and myself gave advice about general clearance, and I then added a bit about using perspex along any open edges which was in turn supported by WTD. Regardless of which edge the OP needs to know a clearance, what do you suggest? 50mm is good. If you can leave more it gives space to fill in with low relief structures/scenery to disguise the wall!

Edit - WTD beat me to it.

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on my first layout here I used the pencil on my longest carriage (12  wheel restaurant car) technique to get my track as close to the edges as possible as space on the boards was limited and I (foolishly) wanted to cram as much track in as possible.


this worked fine until I got a streamlined Coronation Pacific, which being rather portly at the front fouled on the minimal scenery on certain outside curves, requiring a difficult track rework.


so in answer to the op and yourself now I always leave at least 25mm more than the pencil scribe suggests in the critical tight corners just to be safe, otherwise as much as I possibly can, as you say, the more room you leave the more scenery you can place.


I also use a decent height stand up edge as a barrier against excursions to the floor, 150mm is my normal face side 'skirting board' aligned 25mm down from the baseboard bottom edge to allow clearance to avoid wiring being snagged by my roll out cupboards.

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