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Rally Car Performance


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My son just got the Audi Sport Quattro E2 C3634 and when he first ran it we were stunned by the speed of it. It is simple glued to the track around the corners. It has the same 18K RPM motor as the other cars we have but where the others tail slide and ultimately come off the Audi just blitzes the track. He now has a serious advantage!!

It appears the ability comes from 3 factors, the guide blade is deeper, the wheelbase very short and the magnet seems significantly stronger. Can anyone confirm this is correct or if there are any other factors? Also are other rally cars going to be similar in handling? Ultimately, what car do I now need to get to take him on?

Current Cars:

Quick Build Cop, Quick Build Robber, Jaguar CX75, Aston DB9, Aston DB10, McClaren MP412c all destroyed round track by Audi


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