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HELP needed new to all this


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HI im thinking of getting into single slot racing again (had a few sets as a youngster) and would like to create a semi-permanent set in the spare room!! Just a couple of questions to get me going.

1: Is all track compatable ie can i mix digital with "standard" track.

2: Are all cars compatable with each track ie can digital cars run on "standard" track.

3: What do people recomend to get started buy a couple of sets to put together to create a circuit or plan a circuit and try and source individual track pieces

All advice greatfully recieved



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Hi Pete29,

1: Is all track compatable ie can i mix digital with "standard" track.

What do you mean by "stadard" ? Do you mean the Scalexric Classic? Scalextric Class has two "loops" or "spoons" on the end. If you yes, yes you can connect it to the new "Sport" track. You will need this covnerter track: https://www.scalextric.com/uk-en/converter-straight-x-2.html

There is also analog SCX track that is the exact same as Scalextric Classic. Note: Both SCX Analog andf Scalextric classic is abou 1-3 mm less "deep" so some cars may "bottom out".

A few years ago Scalextric also made a "Start" type of track. This also needs an adapter that isfairly hard to find.

The new SPORT track is the same for digital and analog.

2: Are all cars compatable with each track ie can digital cars run on "standard" track.

Digital cars run on analgo track but have no brakes. All analog cars run an all analog track but you may have to adjust the braids and or modify the guide blade (see above)

3: What do people recomend to get started buy a couple of sets to put together to create a circuit or plan a circuit and try and source individual track pieces

This really depends on your space and what you want to achieve. Personally I would  get ARC AIR, since it has all the features of digital except lane changing. Wireless controllers is also mega cool.  Most people shy away from R1 curves but a nice mixe of R1, R2, R3 and R4 curves make for really interesting tracks.

Googl "sclaextric layouts" and get an idea what you might need.

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