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Poly cement solvent

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I have a part-used bottle of poly cement and the "needle" applicator is now blocked, presumably with dried adhesive. My plan is to remove the needle from the plastic top and soak it in some sort of solvent, but can anyone advise what is the best? Readily available I have acetone and dichloromethane, Either of which I think should work, but as I don't have anything fine enough to poke down the hole, I don't want to end up with a soggy gel that won't come out!



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Hi Old Chadders.

If you can get some telephone wire & strip the insulation the single strand copper inner is just the right size to fit the needle nozzel. Even if you did soak the nozzel you might still need something to work into the tube. If you do manage to unblock it, use the telephone wire to make a keeper ti fit into the nozzel to stop it getting blocked in the future. Just make sure the wire is longer than the nozzel & leave a bent over bit protruding to enable you to remove it when you want to use the cement again. In SA we call this wire "Scooby-Do"

Hope this helps.

Remember we do this for fun   John the Pom

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I find removing the needle and holding one end over a flame in my case the gas hobs at an angle melts the glue and it runs out best to do with windows open and hold it with somethign that doesnt get hot or melt

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I use a piece of stainless steel wire with one end bent over that came as rigging for kit, it neatly fits in the tube and under the cap so I dont get blockages anymore, but any solvent or liguid solvent glue that will melt plastic should work fine... liquid poly in a bottle has worked for me in the past....

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The solvent used in poly cement is Methyl-Ethyl Ketone and difficult to get. Liquid poly is pretty much this with the thicker versions having various amounts of styrene dissolved in them. I generally find that a pin is enough to break the crust after which the fresh cement usually opens up the hole by itself. I tend to use 'precision' which comes unblocked just with the supplied rod.

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