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Airfix Emails

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For the attention of the administrator in the hope he can have a word with whichever techie looks after the email side of things at Airfix.

I stopped receiving email newsletters/updates etc. from Airfix back in July 2015. Ultimatley the issue after lots of investigating was Virgin Media implementing SPF verification on their email system. However for people that have their own domains and forwarded all emails onto their virgin media/blueyonder accounts it bounced the emails. After finally getting Virgin to whitelist me the emails from various sources started to re-appear in the inbox. However Airfix ones did not and when speaking to anyone at Airfix they just say sign up again which I have done several times since then and still not received anything. The address I should be receiving news/updates etc. is in my profile. If someone could get to the bottom of it I would appreciate it, thanks.


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To find out where the problem lies but as you've already pointed out the problem seems to lie with your Domain host, there are free email accounts that can be opened in a few minutes, register this account with Airfix, if you recieve the emails problem solved and you know its not Airfix.... thats how I would deal with it anyway... 😉

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Mails from Airfix come from hornbynews.com, and those I get are processed by dotmailer.com, so both them and maybe airfix.com must be in the white list. Some mailling systems responsible for bulk mails are included in black lists and the messages they send are just destroyed by filters.

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