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Hornby Elite won't let me address a new Loco


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Please can anyone help? I apologise if this has already been discussed here. My Hornby Elite which is around 4 years old won't allow me to address a new Loco (TTS King Richard II). I updated the firmware a couple of months ago and all seemed well with the locos I currently have. Yesterday I bought the above new loco, put it on the live track selected default 3 and it worked a dream. I then attempted to address the loco as my number 6. I placed it my the programming track went through the procedure and again all seemed well. I put the new loco back onto the live track selected its new address but nothing happened. I went back to the default of 3 and all worked well again. After a lot of thinking/scratching of my head, I have done all of the following several times now:

1) Re-inputted the new firmware into my Elite 3 times - all successful.
2) Cleaned all of my track both live and programming track.
3) Tried about a dozen times to re-address the new loco again - both with the number 6 and also a couple of other random numbers.
4) Renewed my cabling into my Elite.
5) Cleaned the wheels.
6) Put a little weight from my hand on the loco whilst I was re-addressing it.
7) Changed the Elite from Classic to Standard and vice versa.

After all of this I am both knackered and at a total loss as to what to do next. I am not sure if it something I have done/not done or if there is something wrong with the new firmware installed or if the Elite has developed some form of fault.

If anyone has any ideas or has had same problem and knows how to solve it, I would be eternally

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Disconnect your main track and connect your programming track to the Elite track connections. Put your loco on the programming track.

Now use Menu...Operating mode and change CV1 to value 6.


The reason for doing it this way is if you try to change the loco address on your main track you could mess up the rest of your fleet.


This should get your loco address changed but doesn't confirm if there is a programming output fault.


Reconnect your main track as before.

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Thanks Fishmanoz, I had thought about the possibillity of the TTS Decoder being faulty, but with it being brand new, I perhaps foolishly disregarded it quite early on. What RAF96 suggested above seems to have worked, I am obviously going to have to spend some more time looking into what the underlying problem is. 


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Glad you have sorted it.  I don't know whether it is necessary but I always remove the power from my main track before connecting my programming track.

Also, I have previously had decoders that reverted back to id3 but they were older ones, rather than new TTS ones.

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  • 1 year later...

I have the same problem and have tried the method outlined by RAF96, but it does not work and reading the guide notes on page 38 of the Elite manual it says and I Quote "However the Operate Mode will not allow you to change the locomotives address (CV1) either on the main line or Programming Track."

I am currently using firmware version 1.41 with Windows Vista

Have I missed something 


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I have the same problem and have tried the method outlined by RAF96, but it does not work and reading the guide notes on page 38 of the Elite manual it says and I Quote "However the Operate Mode will not allow you to change the locomotives address (CV1) either on the main line or Programming Track."

I am currently using firmware version 1.41 with Windows Vista

Marlene this has dragged back an old post...


Despite the manual saying you can't change the loco address using Ops mode - its talking to the menu screen method for address changing - (i.e. menu > direct > address > write) - you can actually write a new value to CV1 directly in Ops mode - just follow the menus until you get to Ops then CV. It will ask you to choose the current address (say 003) then allow you to write a new value (short address only).


If you want a long address then you need to write the equivalent numbers into CVs 17 & 18. These equivalents can be gleaned from the calculator at 2mm.org website.


You cannot however read back any values on the main.


I would also suggest updating your Elite to latest version v1.44 as there have been several fies since v1.41. Try PC type 2 to start with in the new installer but PC type 1 may be better for Vista - depends upon the PC chipset your Vista is running on.


End game could be of course that your Elite PROG output is faulty.


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