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CV values for Old Margate Ringfield Motors


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I have sucessfully fitted chips to a number of Margate built tender drives (original 28XX, 8F and GWR 4000 gal tender) However, the slow speed control is now worse than when they were DC. I guess ithe problem is with CV settings or maybe the start voltage?


anyone suggest a set of CV values. The Chips are not saphire but the 8 pin type.
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have you checked the stall current for your locos and decoders?

Tender drive makes me think older rather than newer. Older often indicates more current rather than less.

when you say poor running is it jerky, does the loco stop... what happens?


answer to your question re Cvs depends on the decoder type.

There are CVs to set starting voltage, control back-emf (a possible culprit) and a whole lot more. the 8249 (hornby standard) has limited configuration options. the sapphire has more other

decoders have more.

a bit more info is needed.
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You cannot adjust CVs for start volts etc with the basic Hornby decoder.
You will need to use the Sapphire decoder or obtian another make of decoder that allows CV alterations.
Assuming your DCC console allows this. Note: The Select doesn't

provide this option other than a few pre set CVs. The Elite does allow full CV alterations when supported by the decoder.
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I have done the same for the old 4-4-0 Counties & Saint and had a similar problem. At initial start up the 3 pole ringfield armature would just flutter back & forth rather than turn, as you increase the power it would launch itself down the

track. I got fed up with messing about & put the tender from my 38xx on them as a trial. All worked fine. I then replaced the 3 pole tender drive with the later 5 pole version found in the 38XX heavy freight. They swapped over fine and run nicely.

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Try your local DCC specialist in Kidlington ie Howes of Oxford
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  • 1 month later...

This is more or less the same problem. Is this just a case of swapping armatures or the whole drive uniit. My locos are generally late 80s/early 90's. Oddly the King and Saint aren't too bad, it is the 8F (ex county

unit) and the 28xx that shoot off.

I have to confess I took a more drastic actions with the counties and put the old bodies on new Railroad Chassis!

Thanks everyone for the advice - I may try Howes but it's a bit of a trek since they moved -

Though not as far as Osbournes!
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