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Latching macro in Railmaster

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I have found that if I remove the latching macro say for a long whistle P2~F2 and initiate F2 in a programme, then the whistle stops anyway after a couple of seconds. But if I have the macro in F2, then it just stays on!
Am I doing something

wrong here or has anyone else noticed this strangeness?

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It depends on the loco and the function. I have found that some whsitles are latching and some are not. It's easy enough to find out. Try it from the Elite and if it carries on then it's latching. In that case the function description on the RailMaster

button must include "on/off".

You can also create a macro which will sound the function, pause then turn it off again. Most Hornby locos with sound that are already built into RailMaster shouldn't need altering.

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You edit the name in the locos editind window. You know you can pull down a desired function from the list on the right hand side, well you don't have to choose a function from the list, you can enter one yourself and call it anything you like (including

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I'll have to investigate further. Its just that with a non-Hornby loco if I use the Elite for say Rail Clack ( say F7) it stays on until I disengage it. On RM, however, if I set F7 it just gives a short burst of 'Rail Clack' and I wondered how to set it

'on' until I turn it off like on the Elite?
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I don't know. I know that some sounds supported by decoders 'latch' but I am unclear as to how to instigate 'latching' in RM. What i mean is keep a sound 'on' until you turn it 'off' - rail clack, for example. Not to mention the fact that a Hornby loco

with a latched long whistle didn't require the P2~F2 macro to stop it.

Do you think Hornby Customer Care could help with clarification?

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Oh, I had this problem ages ago with notching up/down.

In the loco selection window, you have the function numbers down the right hand side.
So if you want a function to be on/off just type it in the box.

Say that you want Function F5

to be on/off, just click in the drop down box select the desription you want or write a new one, then at the end of it just type on/off
The function will now turn on when you select it and stay on until you select it again to turn it off.

I found

that if you write the description it must fit in the box or it doesn't work.


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So does it somehow recognise the on/off script after the description ie( railclack on/off ) Not in brackets obviously. Where is this in the manual? What else am I missing?

You see, my understanding of the macro's in the loco description

is that it turns off the sound after a number of seconds, so P6~F7 turns off F7 after 6 seconds, thereby in a programme if I have turned 'on F7', then the macro will release it after 6 seconds so that you don't have to have a line in the programme 'off F7'.

Well that is what i thought the manual was telling me.

I am beginning to think I might be stupid afterall....

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Hi Steve,

Yes it recognises the "on/off" script.
It's not in the manual, well I couldn't find it so sent an email request to RM support who repsonded the following morning!

The time script is as you say P6~F7 press function F7 will

leave it on for 6 seconds then switch off.

No you're not stupid but there does seem to be a bit of very useful information missing in the manual that they seem to think is actually in there!
I think the problem is the software is being updated so

quickly the manual would need to be changed so often it's hard to keep up!


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  • 2 years later...
Hi all,just found this old topic which is semi relavant to my question.Does any one have any dcc sound fitted locos with a leggomanbiffo chip inside and can you or have you been able to alter any functions using the macro editing feature.I have the Dapol class 52 western and have been trying to set up a short two tone horn sound using the instructions on page 41-43 in railmaster V1.56 guide but cannot acheive it. When trying to create a script with the macro edit window open using either F2 or F3 horn functions the horn sounds become corrupted by sounding randomly or three times at various lengths not matching the input script,so returned F2 & F3 back to previous state all ok.Tried using F11 function key as chip instruction sheet says this function key is not being used.Could create a short single high or low tone separately but would not create the two tone,then when engine sound was running pressed F11 and it shut the engine sound down which should be operated by F1.Chip supplier is being very helpful with support but is not familiar with Railmaster/elink.Hornby customer support closes early at 1pm on Friday so could not call them,will try on Monday but thought I would ask on the forum to see if anyone can give advice.It is probably me doing something wrong unless the chip is too advanced for the software,thanks. Regards Paul.
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