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RMWeb Wish list Poll


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 I was surprised how few LNER and consituent  company loco types made it into the top 50.  Have they given up?!


And I agree with you, the wishlist strangely  includes a number of items(reissues)  that I would have thought were already in production or may simply be 'resting' . Cases in point - Manor, County 4-6-0 , 43xx Mogul, A1X, 61xx, D49, 156 Super Sprinter, 142 Pacer, and 101 Met Cam, although these are indeed older models so what is actually being asked for is a super detailed version.


Surprised too at some oddments,  like the Leader, GT3 and Big Bertha, scoring as high as they did.

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RMwebbers are detail obsessed. the 101 is a case in point. with hornbys being in need of detailed chassis.  While the bachmann one needs its windows sorting out. so nether are right. all the others need better detail.  


As for the oddities the mind boggles.  big bertha why! 


Makes me wonder who's voting.

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It's a scale orientated forum, some real oddities in there alas.  Really the only models that are worth looking at for a manufacturer are going to be the top three on the lists.  We need a vote on here. Voting tables on here for scale models, Railroad and re-introductions of oldies.

In some ways this part of the Forum acts as an impromptu wish list, although I wonder just how much notice  is taken of it.


There needs to be some kind of strategy for the Railroad range, because the B17, fine as it might be is an unusual choice for a resurected 1980s loco, when there are bread & butter types like the GW Pannier and LMS 8F still not included.  OK the old Triang/Hornby Pannier wasn't exactly a scale model, but it was a recognisable and iconic type and has been used briefly in the Thomas range. It would make a good alternative to the Jinty. It also makes a London Transport type, an industrial loco, and featured in the Railway Children.


The tender drive 8F was actually a good model for its day.  A nice new loco drive 8 coupled mechanism would lend itself to adaptation to other classes, I am thinking specifically of the Southern Z, but there are others which have 4' 8" wheels.

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