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Thined down range and retro catalouge

The son of Triangman

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Instead of the glossy pictures with smoke digitally added using photoshop and glossy photos of today's catalouges, it would be nice to a return to the old style retro catalouge style used in 1970- onwards, designed to be viewed on a table or on your lap. A print of a painting on the front cover like the previous catalouges would also be nice too.

The range needs thinning down as well, a lot are asking for new models but in these cash strapped times perhaps Hornby would be better getting it's money worth out of it's existing moulds.

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I was pleased to see that there is now a realisation that 80% of the people who buy model railways are in the  Hobby market, rather than Toy market. There does need to be some entry level product but perhaps the dumbing down that had been noticable in Hornby's policies of a few years ago are now behind us.

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As a kid in the dark ages. I always thought the beast catalogues were 1979/80/81. the 79 had beautiful coloured drawing of the locos and a white up of the loco. and the 80/81 had some great  photos of the trains giving you some ideas of how a model railway could be done.


All three hold a special place in my heart.  as being dyslexic they helped my reading come on in leaps and bounds. 

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 The catalogues were always special, and keenly anticipated after Christmas. The one that made the biggest impression on me at the time was the Triang third edition, especially the rear cover.


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