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used help request whitin railmaster and got this reply

Dear RailMaster user

The manual will be available with the automatic download. If you cannot wait until then you can download the latest manual from www.powerpos.com/rail-master/guide_en.pdf

and save it into your c:\program files\railmaster folder.


Hornby RailMaster Support Team
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Well it works, sort of!

Took me a while to get it set up though.

First thing to do on the SLAVE PC where it says controller A on the left hand side and on the right side controller B make sure that NONE is selected for both.

on the loco detection tab and at the bottom enter the IP address of the Master PC(the one that has the Elite connected to it)
Exit Railmaster, make sure that Railmaster is up and running on your Master PC.
Now run RailMaster on the slave PC, in the top

right hand corner where it usually shows an icon of the Elite it will now show a picture of two terminals, which are no longer dulled out once connected.
A pop up box will appear saying connecting to Master Terminal on 192.163.xxx.xxx.
Where xxx is the

IP address of the Master PC you entered earlier.
At the end of this IP address is a number that counts up from 30 so in my case it was 192.168.xxx.xxx:30
This is the part where mine kept failing, it would get to about 38 and then another pop up

box appears saying can't connect to Master Terminal on IP and the IP address.
Now playing about I found this was due to one of the settings in the RailMaster.ini file
In there is a setting "TCP start port=30" which in the instructions states [i]"The

IP starting port for networking/hand-helds"[/i]
So I thought if this is the starting point and there is a time limit to connect it might just be dropping out, so I edited this to have a start point of 50.

Now when it starts the end number counts

up from 50 and the two terminals highlight and all is connected.

I have since found that exiting RailMaster then opening it again it doesn't connect!!
I have to keep going into the RailMaster.ini file and putting in a different number for the TCP

start port=30, before running RailMaster.

It seems to connect and the count up stops at 51-53 but I've not as yet managed to run R.M. then close it down then open it again with it connecting the second time.
I must first put a different number in

the TCP start port=30 line before running R.M. to get it to connect to the Master terminal.

Anybody else tried and having the same issue?



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Well it works, sort of!

Took me a while to get it set up though.

First thing to do on the SLAVE PC where it says controller A on the left hand side and on the right side controller B make sure that NONE is selected for both.

on the loco detection tab and at the bottom enter the IP address of the Master PC(the one that has the Elite connected to it)
Exit Railmaster, make sure that Railmaster is up and running on your Master PC.
Now run RailMaster on the slave PC, in the top

right hand corner where it usually shows an icon of the Elite it will now show a picture of two terminals, which are no longer dulled out once connected.
A pop up box will appear saying connecting to Master Terminal on 192.163.xxx.xxx.
Where xxx is the

IP address of the Master PC you entered earlier.
At the end of this IP address is a number that counts up from 30 so in my case it was 192.168.xxx.xxx:30
This is the part where mine kept failing, it would get to about 38 and then another pop up

box appears saying can't connect to Master Terminal on IP and the IP address.
Now playing about I found this was due to one of the settings in the RailMaster.ini file
In there is a setting "TCP start port=30" which in the instructions states [i]"The

IP starting port for networking/hand-helds"[/i]
So I thought if this is the starting point and there is a time limit to connect it might just be dropping out, so I edited this to have a start point of 50.

Now when it starts the end number counts

up from 50 and the two terminals highlight and all is connected.

I have since found that exiting RailMaster then opening it again it doesn't connect!!
I have to keep going into the RailMaster.ini file and putting in a different number for the TCP

start port=30, before running RailMaster.

It seems to connect and the count up stops at 51-53 but I've not as yet managed to run R.M. then close it down then open it again with it connecting the second time.
I must first put a different number in

the TCP start port=30 line before running R.M. to get it to connect to the Master terminal.

Anybody else tried and having the same issue?



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Hi Steve,
I'm not too sure as you need to use the IP address, would connecting them directly together still need the IP address?
I'm really not that great with PC's!

I'm not 100% sure if it's using the router either, all I know is when I'm

downstairs I can fire up the evaluation copy and operate the loco upstairs, it's pretty good I have to say and can see this being useful on large layouts.

Initially when I was operating speeds and other functions downstairs on the Slave PC nothing would

show on the Master PC upstairs, it seems to be working OK now, so if I put a loco speed up to maximum on the Slave PC, when I go upstairs and look at the Master PC the RailMaster screen has changed to indicate that the speed has changed.
If I then stop

that loco on the Master PC nothing changes on the Slave PC though, which I'm sure the developers are working on, they don't half get updates out quick!

One issue I did have, I had to download V1.30 manually as it wouldn't update automatically, picks

up other updates OK just not this one, all OK now though.


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