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HST Lighting Query


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When you fitted the decoder there is a slight chance you may have inadvertently 'broke' (not literally) the connection of the wiring inside the engine or dummy car to enable the lights to work. This is not a real problem. Just simply take the body off

the offending vehicle and slightly raise the metal contacts on the chassis (maybe about a millimetre at the tip) so they can connect properly to those on the body. Be very careful when putting the vehicle back together. I have had this issue with cab lights

on this model and also rear and front lights not working altogether or just one or the other. Doing the above fix should help you get them up and running. Be prepared to ry it more than once. If this does not work then you may have another issue like wiring,

dodgy chip, damaged led's etc.

I have done this a couple of times with this particular engine and even on some others contacts are fine so at least this will give you a clue for future diagnostics somewhere. Hope it helps.
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  • 8 years later...

I recently installed the new TTS sound chips into my executive liveried 125 hst and have the same problem, in the dummy car, with one or two of the wires for the lights coming off by accident. Cab and tail lights running but not the front ones. Should point out I have one of the later models with th socket type plug. If I'm right about tha. how do I go about fixing it? I don't want to break it by doing the wrong thing but know it gona probably need soldering back on.

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Unfortunately the TTS decoders are not that well made and it is not unusual for some of the wires to come away from the decoder pdb.  If this happens you can send it back to hornby for replacement or repair.  The quality of these decoders is not as good as the more expensive Zimo and Esu decoders costing more than twice as much.  You pays your maoney and makes your choice.

With regards to programming multiple decoders in HSTs I usually programme the motorised power car as a 'normal' diesel with forward as the cab end leading.  I then programme the dummy power car with reverse as the cab end leading. That way you get the correct directional  headlights and taill lights.

Hope this helps.

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Got to disagree with your opinion of TTS decoders Sultan.

I have never had a wire fall off, although I did with some R8249 decoders, thought to be batch related - i.e. dodgy soldering iron in china.

The quality of the TTS decoders is as good as R8249 which are NMRA qualified.


Programming of master and slave cars is well documented on the forums so you shouldn’t have any problems in that respect - if you follow the posted advice.

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