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How to get R8247 to work with Elite after changing from Select


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This is the first time that I have written to a forum. 

My R8247 used to work with the previous Hornby Select digital version but does not work with the Hornby digital Elite version on the same track.  Any suggestions.

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Now that you have an Elite. You have the option that you didn't have with the Select to perform a factory reset of the R8247. To reset the R8247 back to 'factory gate' specification write decimal value 8 to CV8. This will reset the R8247 configuration back to the default 1 to 4 DCC addresses.


You can then test the R8247 with your Elite using addresses 1 to 4. If this test is passed OK, then you can either leave it at these addresses or change them to something different.


Note; that unlike the Select, the R8247 needs to be directly connected to the Elite programming A&B output and NOT the track A&B output when undertaking configuration and CV writing activities. The R8247 then needs to be reconnected back to the Elite track output to perform testing.


Another user recently had a R8247 configured for a Select that wouldn't work on an Elite. The write 8 to CV8 factory reset sorted him out.


Not sure HOW to write 8 to CV8 to a R8247 using an Elite. Then see this previous post.




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Thankyou Chrissaf for your reply.  The only query I have now is what the other post means about writing decimal 8 to CV8.  I can get to CV8 but then not sure how to add the 8, is it simply turning the knob from 001 to 008 and clicking on controller I?

When connecting direct to the Elite programming ports, is it alright to connect relevant wires from the R8247 in situ on the layout as I have these already wired up to 4 points and don't want to dismantle them?

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Like you, my R8247s are wired into my points. I have a length of twin flex put by to one side, should I need to re-program or reset my R8247s. I leave the R8247s fitted in situ connected to the four point motors they serve.


I disconnect the wires from the R8247 marked 'Track A&B' and move them out of the way. I then attach my temporary twin flex wires in their place and connect the other end of the twin flex wires to my Elite programming A&B terminals.


For the elimination of doubt, I have rewritten the individual steps you need to take below. I have checked that these are accurate by running through them on my own Elite, before posting them in this reply.


  1. Connect the R8247 to the Elite 'Programming A&B' terminals.
  2. Press the 'Menu' button. Screen shows 'Loco'.
  3. Rotate 'Control 1' until 'ACC' is displayed.
  4. Press 'Control 1' to confirm. Screen shows 'Direct'.
  5. Press 'Control 1' to confirm. Screen shows 'Address'.
  6. Rotate 'Control 1' until 'CV' is displayed.
  7. Press 'Control 1' to confirm. Screen shows 'CV Write'.
  8. Press 'Control 1' to confirm. Screen shows 'CV 0001 W'.
  9. Rotate 'Control 1' until 'CV 0008 W' is displayed.
  10. Press 'Control 1' to confirm. Screen shows 'CV 0008 W 000'.
  11. Rotate 'Control 1' until 'CV 0008 W 008' is displayed
  12. Press 'Control 1' to confirm. The RED Elite LED should now flash five times. If it flashes 8 or more times, the write CV command has not been accepted.
  13. Press 'Menu' button to exit back to normal operating mode.
  14. Remove temporary twin flex wires from the R8247 and re-attach the normal track wires.
  15. Test the R8247 using DCC addresses 1 to 4 for the four ports.


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I have tried your method of resetting the r8247 to factory settings on two examples without success. Is there any way of checking if the Elite is working alright with accessories? Could there be a fault there? Should I perhaps reset the Elite to factory settings as I only have 8 locos at present so could easily start again?

Any help would be appreciated.

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A factory reset of the Elite is a worthwhile exercise to perform.


Unless you have stored named locos in your Elite, a reset should not affect your current loco roster. All the decoder settings are stored in the loco decoder, not the Elite.

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I have tried your method of resetting the r8247 to factory settings on two examples without success. Is there any way of checking if the Elite is working alright with accessories? Could there be a fault there? Should I perhaps reset the Elite to factory settings as I only have 8 locos at present so could easily start again?

Any help would be appreciated.


When the Elite powers up, does it say Standard or Classic during the start up sequence?

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  • 2 months later...

Sorry I haven't been back to you all. 

I have still not got my R8247 to work with Elite after the Select.  However, I have now got the Elite connected to RailMaster.  Is there an easier way of resetting the R8247 to factory setting using RailMaster?


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Connect the R8247 to the Elite 'Prog A&B' terminals as before. In RailMaster ignore the Accessory Decoder configuration pages and go straight to the 'Loco' configuration pages. Click the icon to open the CV reading / writing window. Type in the number 8 into the CV8 entry and write that to the decoder. In other words treat the R8247 as if it is a loco. RailMaster knows no difference.


The brief description above was covered in 'step by step' detail in this previous post (4th reply down on the page).





When your Elite starts up when power is first applied. Does the word 'Classic' or 'Standard' briefly appear in the Elite LCD display. It needs to be 'Standard'. If 'Classic' appears then this will impact on the port addresses of your R8247. If your Elite is in 'Classic' mode it needs to be changed to 'Standard' mode. How to, is covered in the Elite manual. You need to make sure the Elite is in 'Standard' operating mode, before performing any of the suggestions made to you in this topic thread.

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Still no joy even after following your precise steps.  The Accessory Decoder page came back with Output Ports of 6629,6630,6631,6632 and Pulse of 25500 ms.  This does not seem right.

Any further help would be appreciated.

Incidentally, I have designed my layout on the screen and added the points to the diagram but how do I assign the points on the picture - I have the 2 sets of arrows and the number 0000.  How can I change these to what I want eventually when I get the R8247 to work.


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Output Ports of 6629,6630,6631,6632 and Pulse of 25500 ms.


Very strange...I have never seen anything like that either. I have a vague recollection of seeing somebody else reporting that they couldn't get their R8247 to work with an Elite after it had previously been set up using a Select. I think if I recall correctly, they took it to a Model Shop and the shop person was able to reset the R8247 using their NCE Powercab controller (where the Elite had failed to reset it). After which it was able to be successfully configured on their Elite when they got it back home.


OK...time for some back to basics diagnostics. As I understand it, your R8247 was originally working with a Select controller. So presumably with DCC point addresses in the range 61 to 99.


Assuming you still have access to your Select, I think the first thing to do is to see if the R8247 is still working with the Select on its old original addresses. Hopefully, it will be. Assuming it is still working with the Select and for the benefit of this reply let's assume that the working addresses are 61, 62, 63 & 64 (substitute your own addresses for these if different).


Again, assuming that these addresses work OK, then the next stage would be to use these addresses with the Elite and RailMaster (RM).


Now to the second part of your question. How to configure the point address into your track plan. I will be using 61 to 64 in this example work-through. Substitute my example 61 to 64 addresses with your own addresses if different.


Open your track plan in the RM 'Track Design Window'. But first I need to check something with you. You say that you have added the points to your track plan. I assume at this stage, you haven't yet added the point control icons to the points on the plan. Even if you have added the point control icons, please still read this section carefully as it is important.


To add the point control icons. Click and drag a RED point control icon from the left hand icon selection column and place your mouse cursor that is dragging the icon in the CENTRE of the point in the plan and release the mouse left click drag button. If you have done this action correctly, the RED point control icon will SNAP to the correct position on the plan at the toe end of the point and the GREEN point control icon will appear in the correct position on the other side of the point without needing to be dragged separately into position.


It is VERY important that you invoke this 'snapping action'. Trying to place the RED & GREEN point control icons manually doesn't work and will cause control issues later. If you have already placed the RED & GREEN point control icons on your track plan and didn't get this 'snapping action' then delete them and start again using the technique I have just described.


OK you should now have a point on your track plan that looks like this or similar.



Once you have point control icons correctly allocated to all your points on the track plan, it is now time to configure them.


Right click one or other of the point control icons. RED or GREEN it doesn't matter. You should then see this pop-up appear.



The pull down boxes should be edited as per this list below:


  • Controller = A
  • Decoder port = 61 (or the address that is relevant to your decoder. Just be aware that the 61 equates to port one on the R8247, so this should be the port that is physically wired to the point shown on your track plan, that you are configuring).
  • Type = Hornby R8247 4 port decoder.
  • Startup position = Left or Right and is relevant to your specific layout design. Your choice.
  • Reverse polarity = initially leave unticked, but tick this box if the point fires in the opposite direction to what is indicated by the blue line on the track plan.


If these configuration boxes are showing, then at this stage leave the 'Routes' and 'Other Points / Signals' untouched.


If happy with the settings, close the configuration box and move onto the next point on your plan. Do exactly the same as above but this time change the 'Decoder port =' entry to the port address to be used as appropriate i.e 62, 63 or 64 or your own addresses as appropriate. Repeat again until all your track plan points are configured.


Save and exit your track plan in the track plan design window. Close and open RM so that the edited track plan loads into the main window. If this track plan doesn't load into the main window you need to select it by name in the RM System Settings Window as the 'Start Up' plan.


Your track plan should now look something like this. Note the four digit number in the little oblong box. These are the DCC port addresses i.e 0061, 0062, 0063 and 0064 based on my documented example above.


The example number in the image above is 0002 - the reason for both points having the same 0002 address, is because the point configuration in this image is a crossover, so it is configured such that both points operate together as they are actually wired in parallel to the same 0002 decoder port.


Clicking either the RED or GREEN point icon should physically operate the point that has been configured to it.


Here endith the lesson.


All the above, of course, assumes that your R8247 is NOT faulty and is working with port addresses within the 61 to 99 address range.


If still no joy, then you need to find somebody with a non Hornby controller who can try a write 8 to CV8 factory reset for you. If that still doesn't work, then there isn't much more help I can offer. And you may have to source a different decoder. If you do buy a new one. I suggest going for a different brand that provides 'self learning configuration modes' most non Hornby brands offer this much simpler idiot proof configuration option. There are plenty of examples of this type of 'self learning' decoder discussed in these forum pages.

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Thankyou so much for your great replies to my problems Fishmanoz and Chris. I will do some more investigating. 

Chris: I had added the point control icons but not sure if they all snapped into position so will redo them. I hadn't realised about the right click so will have a go at that.  I don't mind having "lessons" from you. All help gratefully received. I am away for a while now but will get back in a couple of weeks.


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  • 1 year later...

I know it’s ages since you last replied to me on this topic. I tried lots of times to get the r8247 to work without success also purchasing a new one and gave up! 

I have just upgraded to RailMaster with Pro and all is well. All the r8247s are working well. I’m now setting up my colour lights. Hence the separate Forum Topic on this that you’ve replied to. 

Will be in touch if I have any more problems.  


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