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NCE Snap It Decoder

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I'm interested in having points that can be DCC and push button control (so I can link it to sensors to add some basic automation) and have seen the NCE Snap It decoders that provide this functionality.

I'm guessing the answer to my next question is "no" but somebody may know better:

When the point is operated by the push button, will the point position indicator in Railmaster change?  For info I'm using the Elite controller.

Also interested to hear any other suggestions but I don't want to go down the route of writing automation programs & I really want a solution that works for any DCC loco.


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If you operate the point with a push button switch RM will not know the point has changed position. Neither RM or the Elite has the ability to receive feedback from your layout. As you can operate these decoders by CV command that would be the only way you could see your RM mimic panel reflect what was happening with your points. What sort of basic automation are you looking for as programmes within RM are very easy to set up? R-

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I've got a section that contains a single track loop with a couple of passing places in stations, the idea being to have a train running in both directions.  My intention is to set points and stop trains (using assymetic DCC) at the stations, when one train arrives, it triggers a sensor, the point is changed, the A-DCC is bypassed and the other trainis then free to continue.  I'm lucky to have a range of locos I'd like to run on this loop which would make quite a large combinations of programmes to capture all loco IDs and charateristics - this isn't necessarily a problem but when I've had a limited play recording a programme (with only one loco and no point/signal operation) I've found that the loco doesn't always stop in the same location, something that only gets worse with each lap of the track - its one of the limitations of time based rather than position based commands - wouldn't it be wonderful if RM had some sort of loco detection! 😛 

I'm still pretty new to DCC, so could you please expand a little bit further on your statement about operating by CV command - or do you just mean the normal RM control?


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Yes - sorry. I meant using RM or another DCC controller you set the decoder up with a DCC address and operate it with a DCC signal from there. What the blurb says is a CV value change alters the point throw.


Apologies for any confusion.



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Lenz (who have a good writeup about ADCC on their website) use distance control on their Silver and Gold decoders rather than the time based events used by Hornby Sapphire decoder and RM programs.


I have built and used an equivalent of their BM1 module which comprises 5 diodes arranged to provide an assymetric voltage drop across the controlled section. Dead easy to make for a few pennies - see here.


Whether these decoders would improve your stopping accuracy in general and/or when used in conjunction with an RM program I do not know.


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The ABC braking you mentioned is also supported by both Loksound and Zimo decoders.

This system will give you repeatable position, regardless of speed and integrates with RM perfectly, I use it extensively on my own layout.

Sounds like it will solve your problem for you.

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