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RailMaster application future updates.

Guest Chrissaf

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l have a couple of questions regarding railmaster Pro.

1. When are the train detection upgrades coming.

2. Is the system going to be upgraded to allow more than 10 point/signal decoders to be used on larger layouts.

3. Is the system going to be upgraded to allow more than 5 consists to be used on my BR SR 3rd rail layout on which l run numerous 2 and 4 car emus, idealy for me l need at least 10 consists.

Thanking you in advance.

Roger White

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1) You are unlikely to get a definitive answer for this question from anybody, including Hornby. Loco detection has been endlessly debated on this forum and just goes round and round in circles (just like a train set loco). General forum consensus is that in the current financial climate it will never happen, well not for the foreseeable future.


2) What makes you think you are limited to 10 x Accessory Decoders. The RailMaster manual states support for 2048 individual accessories. Assuming four accessories per decoder (Hornby R8247 decoder) then that would equate to support for 512 decoders. Of course, this is a theoretical limit, there would be a practical limit that is dictated by accessory decoder power consumption, but this theoretically could be resolved by the use of multiple 'power boosters', each connected to a block of accessory decoders to distribute the power loads.


Note: the quiescent current consumption (normal background current consumption when the R8247 decoder is idle) is, if I recall correctly, less than 50mA and rises to a burst of 200mA when a solenoid point motor is operated. Since laws of probability would likely be that only very few points would be operated concurrently and simultaneously. Then realistically only the normal background idle current need be considered in the power consumption calculations.


RM Manual extract:



3) No idea.

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1. As far as I know RM is fully fitted software-wise for LD as evidenced by input boxes in various places around the screens.

It is the hardware that is the stumbling block, which is down to Hornby not RM.

2. As Chris says.

3. RM manual page 99 confirms up to five headers, each with up to five loco elements. Request for HRMS via the inbuilt reporting system I should think asking for more.


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Maybe the Demo version is limited to a small number of Points?  I know it is 2 for Loco's but I don't know how many for Points.


As Rog(RJ) says, it is unusual to use consists for those.  If there are 2 decoders per train, just use the same DCC id for each decoder on the same train.

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Extract from RM Manual regarding Evaluation (Demo) Mode.




Point limit in demo mode is four i.e one single R8247 decoder.

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