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70th Anniversary Mallard fitted with TTS sound decoder/speaker


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Today I couldn't hold on any longer and decided that i would fit my A4 TTS decoder to my 70th anniversary Mallard. I followed the instruction from RAF96 as far as fiting the Hornby plug and lead but changed how the speaker was fitted. 

Ok I stripped down the loco and removed the old decoder. Fitted the TTs one suitably encased in a heat shrink sleeve. Unsolderd the spoeaker leads from the speaker and ext5ened ed the so that the lead on the Hornby part X9958 was long enough to reach the location on the tender. I cut the tender wheel holder as per RAF96 intructions and made a hole in the chassis to take the socket. This I held down with blu tac, and then placed a suitable packing piece betwwen the top of the socket PCB and the tender weight block.  I then decided to fit the speaker, mounted in its supplied holder, so that it pointed downwards. To allow the sound out I drilled a series of hole in the tender weight. Then I drilled to locating hole and tapped them and mounted speaker face down held in place by two screws through the mounting lugs. tender wheels cleaned and refitted. Lead soldered from the wheel pickups to the socket and wires soldered form the socket to the speaker. Weight refitted. Body refitted.  Loco tender pickup socket removed anbd replaced with a Hornby X6211. Wires to from decoder taped down. Body refitted. Tender coupled to loc and the flylead plugged into the fioxed tender socket. Note that the draw bar needs to be in the two out holes to allow negoitation of RAD 2 curves. 

As my layout is in limbo I jury rigged my Prodigy 2 set to the piece of track I have laid and powered up. Placed Mallard on the track. I ran the loco on default 3 and it operated correctly. I then selected PROG on The Main and changed the locos address to 68.

I ran it and tried the sounds. I was impressed. The link will take you to youtube where there is a 2 min video of her running. Sorry about the flickering

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Well after the speaker that came with the TTS decoder started to distort I sent Hornby a message. Reply to that wa sthat the speaker is faulty which I also discovered by using a substitute one. While this was going on I ordered some sugar cube speakers from DCKITS but they have yet to arrive, when I called the company the dispatcher had been away for a few days and there was a back log. So I ordered some more from DigiTrains and they arrived within 24 hours. Today I fitted them. This is teh first time I've seen a sugar cube speaker and as there were NO instructions withem I just put one in my Mallard. Put it on the track and was very disappointed at the sound coming out  or it or rather the lack of sound. Yep you guessed I had put the enclosure on the wrong side and mounted the speaker gasket side down. Looking on the web soon put me right. So I turned it over and taped it down. Still not great. looking again on the web I found that the enclosure has to eb airtight for best results and following the advice on sbs4dcc.com I superglued the speaker to the enclosure and taped it. Mounted it on the tender with blu-tac and then tested it. Wow what a difference, well chuffed. For the money sugar cube speakers are excellent and not expensive. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

That was with the original Hornby speaker, which went off to buy a cone a few minutes later. Since replaced with a sugarcube.

The camera used is my Fujifilm 14 MP, compact still camera, I think the flickering is because of the very blue background overloaded the sensor. 

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