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I am posting this as it may be an answer or maybe just help to many who have had these stuttering problems after fitting DCC A4 sound chips to a Tornado ....... like me !!

I TRIED EVERYTHING !! ... all suggestions in the various posts/threads.

Unknowingly I had squashed/bent a valve gear rod ... you would not have noticed it !! .. the alignment was so slight that I could hardly see the catch . I could not believe that I had done it. I have now straightenned it , wriggled the cylinder block ( just to ensure that it was not damaged too !! ) and solved the stop start stuttering !! .... I had tried all the CV tweeks to no avail like so many here ... one thing that I noticed was that before I sorted it sometimes ( to get it moving ) I needed to move the chassis from sde to side on the track as I thought that I was not getting a good connection to the wheels/rails .... that got it moving but it still stuttered !!

If you have the stuttering symptoms with your loco I recommend you have a really close look at the rods on your loco too !

Good luck



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