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Listing of locos on screen

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As I am up to 56 locos, I decided to change the dcc id's to four digit numbers based on the running numbers.

All is going well, but the loco table on the screen does not list the locos in numeracle order.

Using a one column table. 

0039 appears above 2599, and then 0043 and so on. 

Can this be corrected?

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Open your loco setup list and select each loco in turn then use the up and down arrows at bottom of that screen to rearrange your list. Then after you save and close this list the loco throttles will shuffle to suit on the main screen.


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Please also note that there is another forum reported issue when your loco roster exceeds 64 locos (you are getting close to this limit with 56). The issue is that the locos listed lower down the page after the 64th loco do not show in the roster to allow loco selection. The workaround for this issue is to create loco groups, with each group containing less than 64 locos.


These previous posts give more info.




It is possible that the issue has been resolved in later RM version releases, but so far nobody has reported this to be the case.

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There is a thread in the RM section of the Forum entitled "Desirable Features", where members can post enhancements they would like to see in the software. Maybe there is a case to have an optional button added which will sort the list into address sequence.



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 If as I do you of sorting  your locos in Power order stating with the most powerfull at the top of the list and the least powerfull at the bottom then the current situation is fine. 

Diesels and multiple units are listed the same way at the end.

I find that this way enables me to locate in the list any loco very easily. If it were by decoder ID then it would take longer.

My way works for me but may not for others.

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 If as I do you of sorting  your locos in Power order stating with the most powerfull at the top of the list and the least powerfull at the bottom then the current situation is fine. ...I find that this way enables me to locate in the list any loco very easily. If it were by decoder ID then it would take longer.


The RM default sort order is by loco power ???

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It seems my arduous task of moving the numbers was not helped by my Linx 1020 Tablet.

I am in yhe process of renumbering my locos using a Linx 1010 Tablet, and had to move one loco. It was instant movement. 

I need to work out why this is so. Very dodgy Linx stuff.

Not Railmaster's fault.

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