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Problem with old 1.3 digital Powerbase


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I have an old 1.3 powerbase that was working perfectly in the morning but when I plug it at night, the display only shows "1.3 version" and do nothing else. I didn't have any overload, but the powerbase is "tilt". I took it out of the track and clean it, but the problem is not solved. Can someone help me?

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Thought there was a reset function for pb6, but you need to check since it is couple powerbases since those early days here.

You are probably using the 4-6 car lap counter because your  tiny pb6 screen is barely readable on a good day, so suggest at minimum converting to pb4 which only runs 3 cars well.

The easier to use pb4 is found dirt cheap now but the new transformer required can be found on sale and will work on the last decade of powerbases.

Do not believe anyone is still converting pb6 to a real monster, the pbpro-sh, which remains the best scaly digital powerbase ever.

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Thanks for your answer. I tried with the reset  function but is not working. Nothing seem to work except the display saying always "1.3 version", and the rails have power but the controllers don't work. Someone knows how to repair this powerbase? 

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If all controllers and cars fail in all 6 ports, believe you have a new paperweight.

You can check at slotforum for advice but believe they will tell you the same and to buy the apb or arc pro when it arrives, hopefully soon since received extra wireless controllers here already.

But my advice is still buy older much simpler pb4 if all you want to do is have fun.


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Forgot to add, while pb4 runs only digital,  apb and arc pro both run digital and analog.

Because of that, to run apb and arc pro will require you to convert any curved changers to analog use, a simple procedure with pics at slotforum , while straight dual changers come that way already.

Also if you have crossover track, it must be used in pairs.

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I have 2 of the old 6 cars powerbases and they are great for me when they work. The 4 cars pb is too basic. I use to race on rally mode and with the 4 Cars pb I can't.

Do you know If I can run on analog without taking out the lane changes with an standard analogue pb? Can I pass to analogue only changing the pb? 

The modification of the lane change curves affect them in any way?

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The modification of the curved lane changers will convert them for use by analog and digital.

Digital is all lanes are one.

Analog is all lanes  are separate.

The curved lane changer comes new as digital only and must be converted for use by analog too.

Either modify it or take it out of track when running analog.

If you also have the 4-6 lap counter , it also must be removed for analog (unless serious modified).

PB4 must also be removed.

Sounds like now you need arc one or air for analog rally using an app.








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Meanwhile I repair the digital powerbase or get a new one, I will take out the curved part of the lane change curves and put an analogue powerbase on the track (I have and analogue set with a powerbase). Peolple on slotforum told me I can let on the track the half straights of the lane changers and the straight lane changers. Are you agree?

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