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Railroad DCC ready Flying Scotsman TTS Speaker


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A newbie to sound, last week I purchased a TTS decoder for my DCC ready F.S., but could not find any room either within the body or the tender to fit the rather large speaker. Noting the requirement was for a 1 watt 8ohm replacement, I duly bought a 15 x 11 sugarcube. After cutting off the very thin Hornby speaker wiring, I used slightly larger diameter wiring to connect the sugarcube. Cue a burning smell and an untouchably hot decoder. The decoder still works (wonderfully) as a basic decoder, but it's possible I may have 'fried' the sound section. I would  be grateful if an expert could advise me a) what gauge speaker wiring Hornby use, b) how to avoid a repeat with a second TTS decoder, c) is there a decoder full reset procedure to try first, and d) if Hornby normally condescend to fix week-old decoders which have been accidentally fried and which can't/won't reset.

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To reset the sound section write value 5 to CV8.


To reset the whole decoder write value 8 to CV8.


I agree with WD if extending the speaker wires it is easier to disconnect at the speaker rather than at the decoder, extend using similar size wire, I use Maplins code BL (47/49/53/56/etc) wire and sleeve the joins individually with heat shrink tubing.


I doubt Hornby would replace your decoder as I am sure it is written in the leaflet somewhere about hardwiring and errors, etc nullify the warranty.


The retro-fit TTS leaflet also states from memmory that if installing to a non-TTS sound ready loco then some modelling skills and ingenuity is required to affect the installation. There are several examples on these forums of models people have converted.



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Along with the TTS decoder there are two printed paper documents.

One is the TTS Sound Decoder manual for the particular TTS unit you bought.

The otehr is a sheet numbered 4/1555 which is entitled IMPORTANT, Before you start, please read these guide notes regarding fitting your TTS decoder.  Para 11 refers to the using a different speaker or extending the wires and that this should be done at the speaker ends. 

Exting the wires at the speaker end I used 7/0.02 cable on both leads. So long as the wire is the same size or thicker than the original there should be no problems. The problem arises when using a soldering iron on the decoder pads, damage caused by heat or maybe electrostatic discharge.

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Thanks very much for your advice folks; I did cut the wiring close to the speaker, but left enough on the speaker terminals to utilise it later in a larger setting, perhaps in series, in say a Class 66 or the like (when that decoder is released). I'm afraid I do not have the nous to solder, (assuming I would be willing to buy an iron), so I will be using small connectors on my next venture. To RAF96 and moreairamike, the speaker wire diameters you quote will come in very handy, extra thanks.

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