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Hst tts distorted engine sound, “spot” sounds are ok

Mind the gap

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i have just fitted a class 43/hst tts decoder into my dcc ready hornby HST, the spot sounds ie horns, door slam, guards whistle all sound fine. The engine start up sounds fine but after that the engine sounds sound distorted And very faint across all speed settings?


i am discounted an issue with the speaker as the spot sounds seem to be ok, but any ideas on what might be the issue ?


Mind the gap


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Mind the gap,

It seems nearly every other TTS post on this forum relates to an issue with the speaker supplied with the TTS, ranging from selective distortion / crackle of some but not all sounds to being faint to being completely dead. Regardless of your assessment that the speaker is OK (just because the spot sounds are fine) I really would pay credence to the replies made by WD & MM and treat the speaker as suspect.

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Certainly the default speaker is #1 suspect but remember TTS is twin channel sound with running noise on one channel and spot sounds on the other channel, so it is possible for channel 1 of the amplifier to go belly up whilst channel 2 is clear.

There is also the frequency response of the amplifier to consider as it could be a high volume is driving the amp into saturation and distortion. No doubt one of our audiophiles can/will prove/disprove this guess.


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Thankyou all for the replies above.

i have replaced the factory fitted speaker today with a spare that I happened to have and all sounds seem to be ok.

unfortuanly The spare is just too big to fit in the hst, 1 inch cube, and I would welcome thoug thoughts of the forum members on a suitable speaker that would  fit in the hst power car?


thanks again,

Mind the Gap.

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See "Howbiman's" reply - second post up from the bottom in this previous TTS speaker topic thread.




PS - TTS Speakers are 8 ohms rated at 1W.....do not replace with a 4 ohm one.


Extract from TTS installation guide:


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