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R3578 Warley Limited Edition 14XX DCC status

Lyd 85B

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Yes I noticed that the your original question just vanished for some inexplicable reason. To the best of my knowledge none of the Mods removed it, as there was no reason for the Mods to remove your original, it was perfectly within forum guidelines. So I really do not think that any of the Mods was responsible for it going walkabout. I did however (purely for forum housekeeping reasons) remove the rest of the posts that followed after it (including my own reply) as there didn't seem much point leaving them orphaned there. They looked out of place without your original question to relate them to.


The replies that were originally added, basically concurred with the one that HB has posted above.

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Thanks for the replies. I have no problem with installing DCC, and have done so with all my locos, including those with split chassis, but was puzzled as to why there is no mention of what was needed to convert the 14XX, either in the box or via the various magazines, when it was announced with such a fanfare.    

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