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Struggling with Track Design


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I gave my son Scalextric for Christmas but am strugling to us most/all the track (and particulaly an elevated crossover).

I have:

  • Mini Challenge (C1355) - 2x long straights, 6x 90° bends, 4x 45° bends
  • Ultimate Extension (C8514) - 2 hairpins, 4 side swipes, 4 standard straights, 2 short straights
  • 4x Standard straights (C8205)
  • Elevated Crossover (C8295)

Can't find anyway of getting the elevated crossover to work with these parts.

Any ideas?  Many thanks.

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Can you elaborate on what you mean by "work"?

The elevated crossover is designed to form a sturdy bridge to help balance out the length of the 2 lanes. It can be used as a 90° cross over or as a "fly over" i.e. the lanes run over each other.

The length is slightly longer than a half length track so it must be used in the same spot i.e. one top of each other otherwise there will be an odd length to match up.

You can use the Scalextric Track Designer if you can find it on the internet and get it to work or you can use Ultimate Racer to try some layouts out.

Personally I find the hairpins limit track layout significantly as you must have a squeeze straight on both ends and you can only make a 90° or 180° turn.

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Sorry, by work, I mean I can't get the track to align connect together with the combination of (24) pieces of track I have.

Not sure I understand what you mean re: using in the same sport.  I am using it as a 90° crossover so the two 'loops' either side of the crossover are misaligned.

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Here's a diagram of the old Scalextric Platinum set that uses the elevated crossover...




You could build this with the addition of a twin-pack of half straights (C8207) to add to the track you have already. Or you could use the diagram to understand the geometry of using the elevated crossover (plus where to place the flyover supports).


The digital lane changers are equivalent to a standard straight and a half straight. Your two 'long straights' are an odd size and may be causing the problem. They are best used in the Platinum layout at the bottom of the diagram, in exchange for two full straights (so just a long straight on the right and a long straight and a half straight on the left).


I hope this helps. Have fun!

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What Twigman said.. the 87 mm and 78 mm straights are essential and as I said, the hairpin turns are limiting your options as well.

By same spot I mean they have to be on top of each other. I have seen people use tham as standard straights and that cuases issues.

Use some software to try various layouts outs.

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