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Loco Limits

Guest Chrissaf

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You will probably need to do some screen captures of what you are seeing in the loco settings and throttle screens in RailMaster as it is hard to offer a diagnosis without seeing what you are seeing. Ideally we need to see the configured settings for your specific locos with perceived issues. Use the black & white hill icon to upload images [ .JPG or .PNG ]. Note that any images posted this evening or tomorrow won't be visible until authorised by the forum admin on Monday.


Strange that you say

"just won't run fast enough to be realistic"


Usually, to be realistic you need to run the locos more slowly. Usually when new DCC'ers comment on locos running too slowly, they have been used to an analogue controller that can, when turned to the max, hurtle locos around at breakneck speed and can't get used to the DCC RailMaster 'Scale Speed' which does make locos appear to their eyes to be too slow. I'm not saying that this is representative of your case, as we haven't seen a video of your locos at max speed to make a valid judgement of what is slow or normal. But just be aware that RailMaster 'Scale Speed' does run locos at a more sedate pace. You can turn off 'Scale Speed' in the 'System Settings' screen.

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I am running Railmaster via e-link.

When I set up some Hornby locos in Railmaster, no matter what settings I choose or what I set the CV's to, the loco wont run at these settings.

I have noticed a small 'max speed' written in blue letters appears in the box used to control the loco; it seems like something is limiting the speed of that particular loco.

This is annoying, as some engines just won't run fast enough to be realistic. Any ideas what I'm doing wrong?

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I think you will find that the Blue 95 is the speed that Hornby believe to be the maximum speed of the real loco in real life, and that speed has been entered by the Hornby loco profiler into the Hornby database. In general, these blue text additional notes in RM are just there for information, are not adjustable, and have no impact on the running of the software application. In other words, if you are perceiving your loco to be running slowly, then look elsewhere as trying to change the Blue 95 is a 'red herring'.


You obviously have some other issues to resolve in the setting up of your loco first. For one thing you show a Diesel image, but Steam in the 'Locomotive Group'. Just a minor point in itself, but it makes me wonder what other configuration discrepancies you might have set with the configuration that we can't see in the image.


The County of Norfolk 47170 was I believe 'Heavy Freight' therefore in RM 'Scale Speed' terms it would be expected to be a relatively slow loco.


If you want to make your loco run faster, then use the 'Speed Factor' dialogue box....see below:




This box is really meant to accept values discovered through practical experiment to obtain ACCURATE scale speed data (see how to use it in the manual Page 37). But you can just experiment with entering values in this box until you observe the loco moving on the track at the speed you want or feel is correct. If you want to slow the model loco down then  decrease the 'Time to travel........." value. If you want the speed the loco up, then increase the 'Time to travel......" value.


PS - Note how the image above also has some small blue text under the 'Time to travel.....' dialogue box entry. Again, demonstrating that 'blue text' notes are just for information.

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If you set the suggested blue letters value in the cruise box then you should still be able to take the loco past this to max chat on the slider. This max speed will be the max you may have set in the decoder if it can be so adjusted, else it will equate to speed step 127.


The other thing to look at is 'Scale Speed' ticked on the General Settings dialogue box.



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You obviously have some other issues to resolve in the setting up of your loco first. For one thing you show a Diesel image, but Steam in the 'Locomotive Group'. Just a minor point in itself, but it makes me wonder what other configuration discrepancies you might have set with the configuration that we can't see in the image.



He isn't showing "Steam" in the loco group. You will notice that the tick box isn't checked. This is an annoying "feature" where RM always shows Steam and highlights it when a loco is first selected, even when one of the other groups is checked.


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Ah yes - now I see it. My eyes aren't good enough to see such small letters easily. However, I don't think it is RM's fault. I have a feeling the user will have misspelt this when entering it. Have you noticed that the manual is very sparse in this area of loco definition. I have a feeling that when they pasted in the 3 or 4 pages about using loco detection to measure the scale speeds of the locos, they inadvertently deleted a couple of pages about defining a loco group.


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