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Problem with dynamis

sir john

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Afternoon all.I am having a problem with my tts fitted class 31. At the moment I am using a nce power cab and my locos run fine .I took one steam loco and my class 31 to my friends house put them on his track the steam ran great the class 31 wouldn't budge he uses Bachmann dynamis. Took them home put the class 31 on the track ran perfectly has anyone else heard of this problem kind regards John 

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Hi John,

i have thee two controllers you mention, plus e-link, and I don’t have any trouble with getting locos to run.  I use long addresses for my locos (4digits) and they all respond correctly whichever system I use.  However, I do have a couple of Bachmann locos which were pre-programmed by that company as ‘1’and ’2‘ which did cause this sort of problem.  That was down to them using short addresses and requiring an ‘0’ in front i.e. ‘01’ And ‘02’ with both the Hornby and NCE controllers (But not the Bachmann Dynamis)  I have since readdressed them with new 2 digit addresses.  Don’t know if this is your problem, but that was my experience.


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The Class 31 TTS had a problem working and/or being programmed by some controllers, other than Hornby.


Admin has posted that people seeing these problems should contact HCC to arrange to have the decoder reloaded to fix the problem.

See here



The problem has been well discussed on several forums Including the DCC section of this one.


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Hi Rob thanks but I have programmed all of my tts fitted locos with my nce power cab  and theý all work fine on both controllers except the class 37 on the dynamis so im stumped guess a call to hornby is the answer  


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