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Great Eastern Railway.


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Railway modelling has flourished in the last 10-15 years, with more and more eras, locos, and livery's being produced.


recently there has been a surge in pre grouping railway models, in particular the SE&CR has got a lot of love. unfortunately, one of the biggest Pre Grouping company's has been completely neglected by railway manufacturers,


The Great Eastern Railway.


This huge operator managed fast commuter services, holiday trains, agricultural freight and local and express passenger. However there has not been ONE model of an original GER design in and original GER condition and a original GER livery in RTR. Oxford rail may be breaking that mould soon, but its in a wartime livery which doesn't represent the GER in its glory.


I suggest choosing a locomotive that was around since GER days, and lasted till the end of BR, giving you a range of livery options. for this reason I suggest This locomotive:

The GER Class M15, M15R's/LNER F4, F5's


The GER Class M15 was a class of 160 2-4-2T steam locomotives designed by Thomas William Worsdell and built for the Great Eastern Railway between 1884 and 1909. The original (F4) class of locomotives were fitted with Joy valve gear which was notoriously difficult to 'set'. This earned them the nickname of 'Gobblers' thanks to their high coal consumption rates.As a result, between 1911 and 1920, 30 of them were rebuilt by James Holden with Stephenson valve gear and higher pressure boilers. Despite this, the nickname stuck for many years after. (from Wikipedia)


these locos were very numerous, had a wide coverage of routes, variations and livery options, lasted well into BR days, so all in all make the perfect choice for a model, yet it has never been modelled in RTR... This needs to change.
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I know that the D16 and B12 looked a lot different in GER days with fancy splashers over the driving wheels (and some B12s had Belpaire fireboxes, I think), so it may be tricky for Hornby to backdate these.  But I don't think the J15 changed much from GER to LNER days, or maybe I'm mistaken.  It might be possible for Hornby to produce one in GER livery without much extra work.


However, I agree that an LNER F4/5 would be great for us East Anglian fans, and another is the J67/69.

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I haven't seen the J15 at the North Norfolk since she came back after overhaul. Photos show she's in GER condition and the smokebox door is different and possibly the chimney - not goimg to swear to it

I find her very elusive - the best photos I've got were taken on the WestSomerset line. The North Norfolk is a long way from Southampton but I'll try to make it for the Spring Gala

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 Hi Postman,

Please try and make the North Norfolk, its a Lovley railway, with 2 Galas throughout the year. however, if you are coming soley to see the Y14, check the website a couple of weeks before said gala, as thats when they confirm the locomotive roster... at last years Sept. gala they had such a full locomotive roster the Y14 was surplus to requirements... much to my dissapointment. so as the ads say, check before you travel!

Hey Doc,

Your correct in saying the D16 and B12 both had belpaire fireboxes, but if hornby were to produce toolings for this, they not only could produce engines in GER livery, but could also extend it to LNER liveries and ive even seen one engine survive with its belpaire firebox to BR, all the way until at least 1948! this is a shock as the belpaires were mostly replaced in the 30's...

the Y14 in GER condition would not need much work to backdate it, with the main 3 modifications being a Dished smokebox door, stovepipe chimney (which i think hornby alredy tool) and a modification to the roof (it being lover down, you can atualy see the line where the original roof's arched on a J15). the chiney and smokebox can be seperatley fitted, and the main body only needs a slight modification. i think the real reason hornby may be avoiding it is the complex GER Ultramarine Blue livery. it can be done!! if you can do the SECR Green you can acheive  the GER blue!

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 Evening HB, yes that is the one... the thing i love about the ger livery is that it can look so different depending on the light... here are two examples:/media/tinymce_upload/b1d15569b6d43453b04b4a86ec532b3b.jpg

This is my favourite photo of all time (Of the Y14) on the SVR sept 2017, on an overcast day. She has not been repainted scince 2014, so the engine above is in the same coat of paint. it just shows how different GER Blue can appear. personally, i like her bettter on overcast days, purley because the GER Blue looks a lot darker and richer in colour.


This is her on the NNR On a sunny Summer day

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If I go to the North Norfolk it will be for the event, regardless of what is running although I'd like to see the Y14

I've been to the NNR several times and normally have a good time. I visited for the gala with the D49 but within an hour of arriving I was in the back of an ambulance heading for A&E at Norwich. So much for my weekend of photography although the only photo I took was Morayshire


It has to be recorded how helpful, and efficient their 1st Aid Team were, even to the extent of arranging for my car to be left unticketed as only intended to stay at Sheringham for an hour or so.

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