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Car locked in throttle mode

Dan Bournemouth

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Hi Guys,

I have a question. 

What could be causing a digital F1 Honda car to be locked in full throttle mode when placed on the track without pulling the controller trigger? 

The fault began after my nephew ran up behind a crashed car and kept the throttle on. By the time I had told him to stop and release the trigger there was a burning smell. 

If you are able to diagnose how do I fix please? 

Thanks for having a think. 


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Hi Dan - I think the chip has burned out. The most common way of this happening is to put full power through a car without the car being able to move. The current spike just overloads the components in the chip and you get that smell.


The digital track delivers a constant 13-ish volts. With a burned-out chip, a car will either not run at all or will run at full throttle.


The only fix is a new chip, I'm afraid.

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Really? Do you ever look in the Scalextric Digital section of slotforum.com??


The alternative fix is to have it repaired for a fraction of the cost of a new chip. Look for a thread called "Trials of chip repairs" for the details of how it is done. There are about 5 people in the UK who can affect these repairs ...... 😉

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I think woodcote is aware of SlotForum but he was possubly unsure if menitioning it was in violation of forum guidelines (this is pure speculation on my part).

In general linking to other sites even thoe that might carry competitor products is fine as long as you don't promote the other products.

Mentioning that person who fixes chips is fine. At the end of the day that keeps more Scalextric cars on the track and that is more important IMHO.

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@Really - Thanks for the tip. Chip repairs are not something I've ever looked at. That thread is an amazing tutorial - truly amazing work - but the soldering required is way beyond most people's skills. Is there a website for those offering the repairs so people here can get in contact? And any idea of cost?


Shame you've only posted here 3 times - your obvious knowledge and expertise could really benefit people getting into Scalextric digital racing 😀

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