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Flying Scotsman Bogey Wheels causing 'OL'


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Hi, having checked all wiring and eliminated any track related short circuit I have narrowed the random 'OL' problem down to the front Bogey Wheels on my new recently converted to DCC Flying Scotsman. I say this because I have removed the bogey wheels and the loco now runs faultlessly!! When the loco stops I have examined with great care the state of the wheels but cannot see where or how they are causing a short. Has anyone had the same problem or can suggest a possible solution please. Thank you. Chris. 

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A couple of place to check, one is the cylinder drain pipes can foul the bogie on sharp bends and cause it to short on the valve gear, two is the bogie shorting out across points due usually to bad back-to-back setting.


I find a simple way to spot these porblems is to run the loco in a darkend room, the sparks will tell the tale.



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It could equally be a motor that is going home, and sending the chip over 550mA. At that point, the controller will read a short, and go to OL. Best thing is to contact Customer Care at Hornby, and get it checked before it lunches something.

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I bought another decoder and fitted that in the Flying Scotsman. All now seems to be well! The original decoder is being fitted to a DC to DCC 0-4-0 loco conversion project. So far it appears that the decoder and speaker will have to be fitted to a permanently connected wagon behind as there is no room it the loco itself. I have fitted an 8 pin decoder socket in the wagon making for easy replacement in case the decoder has to go back to Hornby. Thank you again for your help and advice.

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