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Function mapping Zimo MX644D


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Well first of all let me say a massive thankyou to everyone who has contributed in this thread, and an even bigger thankyou to Chris and Andy who between them solved my issue!!!



I saw Andy’s thread giving me the CV numbers first but I waited for a reply from YouChoos Which by the way have been very good with my learner driver approach to this, and i highly recommend them.

The reply I got was:

If 3rd and 4th outputs from the decoder are not used (which are currently mapped to FKey6 and FKey12 respectively), then we can reuse those FKeys to activate the 5th and 6th outputs. CV changes required are :






So I have tried what YouChoos suggested first and it didn’t work!

Then I tried Andy’s info, but changing it slightly with the help of Chris’s info and YouChoos‘s info to different F keys.


Finally arriving at










Now I still don’t understand all these CV numbers much, but I’m getting there.


A big thankyou again to everyone, I can now finally put the screws back into my class 57.

This thread has been invaluable, and I know will be even more valuable with future DCC conversions I will be doing.



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Interesting AdeRail, your CV61 = 97 & CV46 = 128 working solution is inferring that the 3.15 Table on Page 24 of the manual is incomplete and that F9 to F12 (not shown on the Table) actually exist in the decoder software logic. I can possibly see why Zimo shortened the table length in the manual on that particular page, one to save space on the page, and secondly because the 'factory default' entries denoted by the black dots didn't extend past F6 in the Table. If F9 to F12 have indeed been left off the 3.15 Table in the manual just to save space, then that explains why CV46 gave a value (8) rather than zero when you read it, for which I made a comment in my last reply.


I for one, have found trying to resolve your issue a stimulating cerebral exercise, and it goes to prove that no matter how extensive and detailed technical manuals are, there is still room for improvements in the way the Zimo technical data is presented.


You got there in the end and a 'pat on the back' is due to all involved parties that have contributed to the solution.

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Just thing of CVs as characteristics you want your loco to have. The values you put in translate to those characteristics, e.g. flashing lights, slow accelleration, limited top speed, play this sound on that function button, etc.


Its just that some decoders are still in primary school education and some have a doctorate in quantum physics if the manuals are anything to go by.



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