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Pit lanes


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Ah ok - so one end has a moving flipper and the other is fixed - just curios, but why does the exit track have a sensor ? - obviously the entrance needs a sensor to trigger the routing but not the exit .......... is it a hang over from the pit lane game ?

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Switch them, yes. Easily, not exactly... There is a thread over on Slot Forum called "Convert LH pit lane to RH" which describes the mod and has a few folks mulling over whether to do the mod or buy the RH pit lane. I'm mulling that over too. With the ARC Pro base being uni-directional, I have to turn it round to use my LH pit lane, but am thinking whether I'd prefer a RH lane and the power base the 'correct' way round. I'm pretty sure the ARC Pro Platinum set comes with a RH pit lane, so there may be some around split from sets at a good price...

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