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DCC Nightmare...


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Ok.. So I've purchased an Elite controller from ebay, tts decoder for my A1 Tornado, bought a Railroad mallard with TTS, bought a standard decoder for my Class 06 which hasn't yet arrived.  This is what I have done so far:

1.  Taken the capacitors out of the power track

2.  Fitted the TTS decoder to the A1, discovered that the speaker doesn't fit so changed this for a sugarcube type speaker.

3. Reset the Elite to factory settings as it was used from eBay. 

4.  Added the DCC clips to the point to make the whole track live. 

These are the issues that I have had:

1.  There seems to be dead points on the track where the locos won't pick up a signal... I have checked and rechecked the integrity of  the connections and can't find anything.  There is one point in particular where the train just stops dead unless going at considerable speed. 

2.  The qualify of the speaker in the Tornado is appalling... Can anyone suggest any better ones? 

3.  The Tornado seems to have a huge problem reversing... Stops every second and requires a wriggle on the track for it to go again but then stops again almost immediately.  I am at a loss as to what the issue is here.... 

4.  After 10 minutes of running, the mallard stopped on the track and I heard a loud clicking sound.  I pressed emergency stop... Removed it from the track, could see anything so restarted it, after another few minutes it happened again.  I think the coupling rods had seized.  Now the pins and the rods are loose. This is going back to he shop.  Just bad luck?

I'm feeling a little bit stressed out by it all... I've gone from a working DC setup with 3 locos working well to a DC setup with 1 working loco that can't reverse!


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It sounds like your track needs a thoroughly good and extensive clean (this includes the loco wheels). DCC control is less forgiving than DC. For DCC to operate robustly, every part in the DCC signal circuit needs to be spotlessly clean and bright. Whereas DC power will work its way through dirt and grime, DCC does not do this so well. The motor 'Back EMFs' in DC can generate some sparking between the wheels and track, the sparks punch their way through the muck. In DCC, the decoder block these motor Back EMF's. This is a very simplistic description comment.


Coupling rod screws coming loose, seems to happen a lot and there are many posts reporting this issue. If the heads of the pins are hexagonal, then they are threaded screws. Invest in a 12BA (2.5mm) nut spinner to keep them tight.


The point that always stops the loco dead probably needs to be looked at carefully. Many report on the forum that putting an additional track pin in the centre of the point can effect a cure.


Sounds like the Tornado has poor contact pickup problems on the back of the wheels. Again dirt / oil / grime (including pitting from sparks when operated under DC) can be an issue when operated under DCC.

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In the first 2 you said you changed the speaker, then in the second 2 you said it was rubbish. As we don't know what was fitted apart from it was a sugar-cube (generic cube speaker or specific sugarcube brand) I’m not sure how we can help you.

Loco problems invariably turn out to be lack of essential routine maintenance.


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The track............... less than a month old...Is it really possible that dirt could be causing it?


Yes, if it has never been cleaned at all in the month since you bought and installed it. Even a layer of dust settling on unused track can affect DCC. Some people clean their DCC track before and after each running session.


If firmware is version 1.0 then that definitely needs updating before trying other things first.



Better quality SugarCubes.


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Nit-pick - Chrissaf put - that definitely needs updating before trying other things first.

I'd rephrase that slightly, to needs updating FIRST before trying - - -   :-)


Reminds me of the instructions for a petrol generator - do this, do that, do the other, but before you start the engine, put some oil in first!  :-P


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Ok - So I've updated the firmware on the Elite... Thanks for the instructions Chrissaf.

Sadly, the Tornado is still having issues, I've posted a video here:

I definitely think this is an issue with the loco because the the Mallard didn't have any issues (before it seized up!) 

Maybe I messed up putting the decoder in somehow?? 

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I have four Tornados, and I found the two green ones BR Late and  BR Early, were having trouble on the points and reversing. I fitted pickups to their tenders, and now have no issues.

A bad decision of Hornby to not fit them.

 My Bachmann Tornado, however, has no tender pickups, and runs fine.

Not Hornby's finest.

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OK - so you think it is a design issue with the Tornado.  If this is case then surely the product is not fit for purpose?

I wouldn't know where to start if I were to try and install pickups to the tender!  How do you think I would get on if I complained to Hornby about it?

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Just purely based upon watching the video I would still be looking at the track, just because the Tornado is the only loco affected is in my view not conclusive proof that the loco is faulty. Granted, it might have a pickup design issue compared to your other locos that traverse the point OK, but the Tornado always stutters in exactly the same position on the track. To me, that points to the track not being 100% in that location for some reason.

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I think the Tornado, without tender pickups, is rather susceptible to any imperfections in the levelness of the track.

Mine were mainly troubled  by the points, such that I replaced them all.

I still had problems, yet no problems with the Bachmann.

I tried loosening the bottom plate holding the main wheels to give more play, and I'm sure this improved things.

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Ok so good news... I added an extra nail to the centre of the point as per one of the suggestions above and hey presto, over it went without any hesitation!  What a diva of a loco! 

However, it still won't reverse without stalling every half a second... Any suggestions for this or would I be looking at adding pickups to the tender, an if so, how the hell do I do that? :) 

Thanks again for all the help. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ok so I have an update of some positive and some negative. 

The Tornado problems are all resolved, it will even reverse now without any issues.  I loosened the plate underneath as per a suggestion on here and it seems to have done the trick. 

I sent the Mallard back to Rails at Sheffield and the replacement arrived yesterday.  I ran it in... 15 mins at a moderate speed in both directions and it has been working fine.  However I am today having the same 'clicking' problem that I had previously when trying to reverse.  Something seems to be jamming somewhere and it is causing the gear from the motor to slip.  I have removed the shell and you can visibly see the motor moving as the gears slip.  I'm wondering whether the shop attempted a repair and sent me the original train back rather than a replacement?  Surely I can't be that unlucky unless this is a regular fault?

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