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Graf Spee a quick relaxing build????

John Symmons

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Airfix K.M. Graf Spee.A quick build.



When I was photographing the Airfix ā€œE: (S) boat I used the assembled hull of the Airfix Graf Spee as a size comparison, and thought this needs to be completed. As Iā€™d always liked the Graf Spee and it was one of my earliest memories of model building having made the Aurora version ( see my modelling memories posting) way before Airfix produced the 600 scale series of models. I do remember enjoying that build and since then I seem to have an affinity with the ship.


When Airfix made the Graf Spee at about the same time as their HMS Ajax I made it and always hoped Airfix would get around to the HMS Exeter to complete the trio. I remember thinking way back then that the Aurora version was the better of the two models . Why I thought that Iā€™ve now no idea maybe it was because it was my first Graf Spee.


About 15 years back a friend at work brought my a load of Airfixā€™s 600 scale ships to see if I was interested in buying them and amongst them was the Graf Spee, and I thought why not give it a second go. Shortly after that I saw the Academy 350 scale version of the ship, but thatā€™s another story. Just when I started the Airfixā€™s version Iā€™m not sure but must have been over 10 years back and I see Iā€™d decided on a water-line version and Iā€™d started to drill out all the portholes. Iā€™d also added some spare PE doors along the superstructure and ladders to the main turrets, these bit must have been left-overs from the WEM Royal Navy Destroyer set Iā€™d used for the HMS Manxman & Cambletown. The superstructure portholes and door placement were copied from the Graf Spee Profile No #4 as was the colour scheme as it depicted the ship at the time of the Battle of the River Plate. That was how I found the kit when Iā€™d used her for the size comparison for the E-Boat photo.


The E-Boat is still not finished as I got side-tracked with the Graf Spee, thinking sheā€™ll do for a quick relaxing build, you all know what I mean just assembling model without bothering too much about the out-come. It didnā€™t work.


Not sure how old this kit is but itā€™s now really showing it age , this release is from the Humbrol era but is sill the same kit as she was first released. While itā€™s sad to say I doubt itā€™ll be re-released, and personally Iā€™m glad that of that, as the kit is very inaccurate in many respects maybe someone like Patrick with the patience of Job and determination could make a really accurate build of it for my part I was again disappointed as the first time with the final outcome. The kit seems to be a mish-mash of the all the pocket battle ships as Airfix has got so many things wrong, maybe the information wasnā€™t available at the time or they rushed the model out before really checking every-thing.


Iā€™ll start on the positive basically the model does look like the Graf Spee with the tower bridge and the 11 inch triple turrets and the size is about correct they even managed to mould the Coronal plaque on the tower bridge (Some thing Academy missed even in 350 scale so well done Airfix.) and the fit of the parts is good if not perfect, needed lots of sanding and scrapping to remove mould seems. The hull and deck needed some work but nothing most modellerā€™s couldnā€™t easily handle. The other thing Airfix got right was the gun shield for the secondary armament; on the previous ships these were open at the back with only a curtain to close them off ( as in the Academy kit) but the Graf Spee was different in that doors were used as seen in photos of her in Montevideo harbour, ( See profile 4 page 89.) the other oddity is that many accounts state the the Arado float plane was ditched shortly before the battle as the engine broke down, but the same photo clearly shows the shows the burnt-out wreck of an Arado still on the catapult presumably the second Arado.


On the negative side Iā€™ll start with the grossly over thick main mast without the tripod stays and the bow and stern jack stays, all these would have been better if replaced with stretched sprue. The tower mast is way too short, in all fairness this mast was telescopic so maybe Airfix used a photo of the Spee when she was going through the Kiel Canal with her mast retracted to clear the bridges. Then thereā€™s the aft mast which is totally missing, all there is is a pointy thing above the range finder, I made one from stretched sprue which only high-lighted the other masts over-thickness. The other masts and Jack stays I left as is as by the time I got around to them I was getting a bit jaded also stretched sprue would make rigging impossible. Where-as the masts were too thick the 11 inch guns looked way too thin looking more like long 8 inch ones. The tower bridge looks good except for the missing spars or booms on the top platform, easily fashioned from stretched sprue. (Oddly this is something Academy has also missed even with the Premium Edition.) The 20 mm AA guns, Airfix only supply two to go between the search-lights there should be 8, she sailed with 10 but off loaded two to the Altmark Ā together with surplus and un required stores like inflammable paint and the large launches. This again is were Airfix fell down again, is the ships boats which a totally wrong. The boat rack next to the catapult is not there as is the crane on the port side next to the boats behind the tower bridge. The 20 mm cannons I fashioned from stretched sprue being 2.5 mm high and 4 mm long, had to make about a dozen as they kept feeding the carpet monster. (Academy supply 10 but show the bow and stern ones in place where-as these were the ones off loaded.) The aft bridge is again totally the wrong shape and the 37 mm mounts way too large ( Theyā€™re almost as big than the Academy 350 scale ones.) The main heavy lift cranes on either side can be improved by cutting off the thick rigging wire and replacing with stretched sprue. The final thing I did was to sand down the radar part toĀ wafer thin cut the sides a touch and over-laid it very thin stretch sprue to give a better representation of the mattress radar.


Was it all worth it? Actually no; as I got quite jaded towards the end of what was supposed to be a relaxing simple build, I was going to rob some PE railings from the HMS Belfast set but decided it wasnā€™t worth it, as the over thick masts etc. and thin barrels gave the model a distinct toy quality. Iā€™ve tried to show her just before she opened fire on HMS Exeter at 18:15 on the 13 December 1939, the camouflage scheme being taken from the Profile #4 Iā€™ve only used green but various internet sources state greens and browns were used but at 600 scale I decided to stick with green.


Iā€™ll not make a third Airfix Graf Spee even if the chance should arrive, Iā€™ve now made two and been disappointed with both. Hopefully Airfix will not be re-releasing the kit, personally I feel the mould should be thrown into the sea to join her counterpart. Now a new tooling could be a totally different story but I doubt thatā€™ll ever happen maybe in 2039 the centenary of the battle something could be forthcoming but I doubt Iā€™ll be around to see it.


I still think the Aurora and the Eagle Wall at 600 scale and 1200 scale respectively were the two best Graf Speeā€™s Iā€™ve built. If anyoneā€™s interested in the River Plate Battle I can recommend the ā€œThe Price Of Disobedienceā€ the battle of the river plate reconsidered by Eric J Grove.


This review has turned out to be longer than intended but hopefully someone finds it of interest. Photos below and all comments welcome. Maybe I can now get back to finishing the ā€œE-Boatā€.


Remember we do this for fun John the Pom.





Thesea-scape was one I'd made for HMS Ajax but never finished it. The Graf Spee is just resting on the sea-scape.









Mid-ships see if you cvan spot those tiny 20 mm cannons. Also all those porhole were drilled out. Can't understand why it had so many portholes. Finally an airial shot.




P.S. Iā€™ve now stated the Academy 350 scale release the one with the plastic railings. ( The Premium Edition with the PE, brass barrels and wooden deck will hopefully follow at a later date.) Unfortunately I canā€™t plot the progress here but Iā€™ll try on the ATF site if I can sort out how to do it. I did say I seem to have an affinity with the Graf Spee. JtP

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Hi John,Ā  Interesting read.Ā  I had actually started building the Spee but stopped halfway.Ā  It's now languishing in a showcase waiting for the time I get the urge to complete it.Ā  I stopped because the overthick funnel platform and one or two other areas put me off.Ā  I'll need to take the funnel apart again to rebuild it with a platform closer to scale thickness.Ā 

I'll get around to itĀ  ..........someday!

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Yes John I know all about quick easy builds that are supposed to relax you after a complicated project.


My Mossie build was supposed to be just that but I kept thinking I had to do just a little more to bring it up to modern standards. As I'm still on with it, it was anything but quick!

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After a long ship build I too find I need a 'quick' build.Ā  I usually build an Airfix tank.......Out of the box. Its quick and fun. This time after the QE I decided to build some railway items... The saddle tank loco, interfrigo wagon and the mineral wagon. All they need is a last coat of lacquer. Will finish them and post pics tomorrow. They are out of the box builds...that's the whole point of these builds.... Quick and fun so don't expect too much.Ā 

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Interesting thread. Nice build and finish šŸ˜Ž

There are limits to what can be acheived with injection moulding even now, and when you discuss a kit, especially from 40+ years ago, you should take into account the capabilities and reference information available then.

The 1/600 (ish) Aurora Spee was released in 1958, two years before The AIrfix Hood, Victorious etc.

It was a typical Aurora kit, enough said šŸ˜‰

At least it wasn't the truly terrible 1/800 Lindberg No.871 Snap Tight kit šŸ˜®

The Airfix Graf Spee was released in 1971, the Airfix HMS Ajax is from 1965. The Airfix Spee you've made is from a 1978 boxing.

I built all the ships using Airfix 1/600 kits from the Battle in 1978 to illustrate a school assignment, Exeter was hardest using an Airfix Suffolk and Ajax and a lot of Plasticard (she, Achillies and Spee no longer exist). I loved the Spee, niggles aside (I have the 1971 Warship Profile No.4 Graf Spee as a reference), a very nice model to build. I was then given the Matchbox 1/700 Spee and Exeter, lovely kits, saw a few bits on my 1/600 Exeter I got not quite right but, Oh well šŸ¤”

Got another Airfix Spee in the stash . . . . Mmmmm

Thanks for sharing you build šŸ˜Ž

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I built this back in the 1970s, I was probably 11 or 12 at the time and liked it. I also built the Matchbox waterline kit which I think I ended up preferring. I quite liked the ship builds (though Ark Royal III and Fearless were my favourites). I had thought of trying to track down an old Spee but maybe not given your experience.

Thanksfor sharing.

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Hi Dad Paul B, 7 FAAMAN.

Thanks for your comments, and I agree with the comment about the state-of-art of injection moulding at those eras. I,m busy with the Academy 350 tooling which is a much more modern tooling but still they've made some glaring mistakes. one woners what theyused for references. This is the standard model with the plastic reailings, which whle grossely over sized, are a good reprentation especially seeing as they're moulded. I do have the premium edition with PE, brass guns, and wooden deck, and waiting in the wings so I'll be using this one as a sort-of practice run.

At the end of my posting I mentioned the Eagle Wall kits, and it looks like I've discovered a new freind that has some partially or unmade that he said I can have, hopefully there's a Graf Spee in there.

Remember we do this for fun Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā John the PomĀ 

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I did the same conversion of HMS Exeter, using the Ajax hull and main superstruture, Suffolk turrets (6 x 8" guns) and the Walrus aircraft, plus lots of plastic card to extend the deck level towards the stern and construct the aft superstructure. Smaller bits came from the spares box and I even had 4 single 4" guns for the secondary armanent from my HMS Hood build, as her armament had been upgraded to 1941 standard. I used a reference book so am pretty happy that a good percentage of it is fairly accurate except for the funnels, which are straight from 2 scrapped Warspites. I wasn't very confident cutting them up and remoulding with card etc to the correct shape/profile so they just went straight on.Ā 

It still survives in my display cabinet with HMS Ajax, as I had intended to do all the ships from the River Plate era. I have the Graf Spee, and another Ajax in my stash to represent HMAS Achilles. I also have HMS Suffolk in my stash which could represent HMS Cumberland which was dispatched from a refit at the Falklands to replace the severly damaged HMS Exeter.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I think yourĀ assessment of theĀ kit is a little over-critical John. I've been readingĀ German Pocket Battleships 1939-45 ISBN 978-1-84176-501-3 and the Airfix kit is in a configuration prior to her demise at the River Plate.Ā I'm currently building two of these - one as Deutschland. I shall post them up when they're done.

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Hi Ratch.

This should be interesting and I'm interested to see your take on the kit. TheĀ Deutschland was the first of the three built and was in many way quiote different to the Graf Spee. Later theĀ Deutschland was refitted with a revised tower bridge and renamed the Lutzow but I'm sure you already Know that from reading you reference book. Anyway good luck with your build and looking forward to seeing the result.

I've purposely not replied your post above about me being over-critical maybe your correct. I was just saying that when I first build the Spee I felt dissappointed with the result, and this second build left me feeling the same even though I did try to "dicky" it up a bit, anyway it's only my opinion and other builders might feel differently. I'm at present doing the Academy Graf Spee and even though it's a much better kit with a wealth more detail, (as expected being 350 scale) it's still far from being perfect, somehow Academy have got both masts wrong; to just mention one of several things; the Ā masts were telescopic so she would pass under the bridges of the Kiel Canal and it seems Academy like Airfix has modeled them retracted. I'm using the build as a sort of dummy run for when I build the Premium Edition with the Photo Etch etc.

Remember we do this for fun Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā John the Pom

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Hi John,

I got the impression that you was disappointed that the kit doesn't portray her as she was at the Battle of the River Plate. You're quite right. The Airfix fit is prior to that and the Coronel plate on the bridge alone indicates that. I've removed that plate and I may go as far as fitting a dummy funnel, though I haven't finalised my thoughts yet. Deutchland is a bit more ticky, and I dare say my refit won't be entirely accurate either, but I hope she's recognisable.

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I'm building these side-by-side, making the alterations to Deutschland as we go along. Here the bridge is being constructed.


The same area is dry fitted on the Admiral Graf Spee


Although the ships are from the same class, there are some striking differences


And some quite subtle ones


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I decided it was time for a bit of Vallejo Hull RedĀ paint


And then I started thinking about coloursĀ and I painted the stands.


I then invested in a Lifecolor KriegsmarineĀ set


A little lighter than Vallejo Hull Red. Beautiful through the airbrush, no thinning required. Simplicity itself

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Thanks Patrick.

Sprayed the UA 602 Dunkelgrau DKM 51


I forgot to take a picture of the boot topping, but here's the superstructure airbrushed


Just to prove I did the boot topping


A few touch-ups required, but generally pretty OK


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Ā 40519850781_f3d0a2872c_z.jpg


The two Arados assembled and painted. I then discovered I'd made a fatal error. I discovered there was insufficient space between the main tower and the funnel. I realise now that the semi-circular bridge looks elongated and that the tower should have been moved further forward; probably to where the 10.5cm flak guns and flak controller are fitted on the Graf Spee.


I've painted Deutschland's turret tops and applied a decal to Anton to depict her around 1937-8, maybe even early '39.


Admiral Graf Spee is almost ready for her camouflage.


The two ships.

Time to add Graf Spee's dummy turret and funnel...



These are fairly crude scratch-builds. I figure that as they were constructed from wood and canvas to mislead enemy recognition, they were probably pretty basic.

Paint going on



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Ā Cheers Neil. I decided to re-model the bridge and move the tower. I stripped that section back to the floor-plan.


It didn't take long to do the rebuild, so now I can call Deutschland done.

The Panzerschiffe consisted of the Deutschland, Admiral Scheer and Admiral Graf Spee. They were fitted with the 28cm gun mounted in triple-gun turrets (Anton and Bruno) as were the Scharnhorst and Gneisenau. Their secondary armament was 15cm; roughly equivalent to the 6-inch gun carried by British light cruisers. As originally constructed, all three featured twin 8.8cm flak guns; an older version of this gun was fitted for some time on the Deutschland. Before the outbreak of war the 8.8s were upgraded to 10.5cm flak guns. The secondary flak armament (as on most large German warships) was the 3.7cm flak gun.The Deuschland was originally finished in light grey with teak decks. Other horizontal surfaces were coated with a dark grey anti-slip surface. Her aircraft catapult was fitted between the forward superstructure and the funnel. The funnel dates this fit to after 1937 (searchlights fitted) while the bow pre-dates the 1940 ā€˜clipper bowā€™ refit when Deutschland was renamed LĆ¼tzow (November 1939).http://pic100.picturetrail.com/VOL761/13303934/24799570/413795170.jpghttp://pic100.picturetrail.com/VOL761/13303934/24799570/413795171.jpghttp://pic100.picturetrail.com/VOL761/13303934/24799570/413795172.jpghttp://pic100.picturetrail.com/VOL761/13303934/24799570/413795173.jpghttp://pic100.picturetrail.com/VOL761/13303934/24799570/413795174.jpghttp://pic100.picturetrail.com/VOL761/13303934/24799570/413795175.jpghttp://pic100.picturetrail.com/VOL761/13303934/24799570/413795176.jpghttp://pic100.picturetrail.com/VOL761/13303934/24799570/413795177.jpghttp://pic100.picturetrail.com/VOL761/13303934/24799570/413795178.jpghttp://pic100.picturetrail.com/VOL761/13303934/24799570/413795179.jpg

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