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DCC Controlled Points


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Hi, I want to control a set of points with my DCC Select Controller. I cannot solder and my knowledge of electrickery is a big ZERO. So can somebody help me by telling me what components are needed to do this as simply as possible. I will eventually want to "DCC" all my points on the layout so looking at a total of 6 or 7 sets of points. 

Thanks for any help offerred.


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To be honest, if you cannot solder and are unwilling to try and learn. Then you are rather 'up the proverbial creek without a paddle'. The Hornby R8243 (Surface Mount) Solenoid point motor and the Hornby R8014 (Under-board) Solenoid point motor both come with short wires pre-attached So at least you can negate these needing soldering. The wires are short though, and will need extending. You can extend the wires using 3 Amp Screw-down terminal strips like these (easily cut to length required) to make the joints:




You will also need an Accessory Decoder(s) to connect between the Select controller and the points to convert the DCC data signals into pulses of current to operate the solenoids.


Being a Hornby forum I am somewhat hamstrung and obliged to use the Hornby R8247 4 port Accessory Decoder in the rest of this reply. But other brands of Accessory Decoder (AD) are available and have advantages over the R8247. Such as there are ADs with eight ports (therefore only one AD required for 6 or 7 points), plus nearly all the other brands are 'self learning' which makes setting them up a doddle compared to the R8247.


Anyway, back to the Hornby R8247. This AD is 4 port and is factory configured as addresses 1 to 4. You will need two R8247s for 6 or 7 points. Plus BOTH R8247s will need to be re-addressed as the Select ONLY supports point addresses 61 to 99 and not addresses starting at 1. Thus, the first R8247 will need to be reconfigured as DCC Addresses 61 to 64 and the second R8247 configured as DCC Addresses 65 to 68.


Extract from Select version 1.5 manual Page 27.



Note that the R8247 being configured MUST be the ONLY device connected to the output of the Select as it does not have a separate 'programming' output.


This schematics below show two options for how it could be wired up.


Option 1 - is my favoured option as the DCC signal path from the Select to the R8247s is electrically more reliable. Only one point port on each of the four ports shown wired up.




Option 2 - this is how Hornby envisage it wired. The track clip is provided with the R8247 (if purchased as a brand new unopened package).




If any of the points throw in the wrong direction, then just reverse the Red & Green wires on the + & - screw down terminals on the R8247 for the affected points.


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