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Tts decoder making loco jerk at low speed


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Low speed jerking with tts decoder in a Bachman class 37 change out to nce decoder perfect have put cv 10 to settin 1 but haven’t changed  any other cvs the train moves when throttle at about 50 -60 On 128 step setting, do I need to adjust any other. Cvs , I’m reading plenty on bemf mmmmm is it an issue now to change other cvs such as start up . The speaker is too big wihich is best one if I go small 

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Hi Midson 

welcome to the forum first of all the other members of the forum will give you the best information for the settings of the CVs with this decoder however have you serviced the loco first and ran it in with the manufacturers instructions as sometimes this can cause a jerking movement if the lubrication has evaporated during transport also have you tried to do a reset of the decoder and tried it again with ID 03 and then tried your loco before you change any of the CV settings as it might help but as I say the other lads and lasses of the forum  will put you right also I have heard that a sugar cube speakers are a good one but you have to make sure that the ohms is correct for your decoder 


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I have just been thinking about your loco and what is your values for vstart / vmid  and vhigh have a look at the sheet what came with your decoder and have a look at what CVs they are and check the values of these three as if they are set up wrong they can cause all sorts of problems with the locos performance also if you google tts decoders you get a list about them and also the links to the forum about them so if you do a search in the box at the bottom of the page where it says search the forum and put in TTS decoders you’ll probably find all the settings and also the solution to your problems


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@Midson............There was no need to have changed CV10........you should put this back to value 128 which is the default value........with the TTS decoders it is now often noted on the Forum that changing CV150 to = 1 is the best way to improve initial start off and smooth low speed running.........so I would suggest you reset your decoder to default values by writing 8 to CV8 and then write 1 to CV150 and see how you go........don't worry about BEMF, it looks after itself..........regarding the speaker, there are 2 or 3 outlets on the internet for 'sugar cube' speakers..........just meaure the space available in the loco and get one to fit, must be rated at 8 ohms, 1watt......HB

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