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Loco suggestions...


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Hi All,

I've posted on here before about my temperamental A1Tornado tripping over points, not reversing etc.  Somebody suggested loosening the bottom plate.  That helped a huge amount and it was working fine for a while.  However it has started tripping over one of the points again, about 25% of the time, so I've decided that it's time for a new loco.

I've also got a railroad TTS Mallard which works like a dream, i assume that it is becuase it has tender pickups.  My question is what do you think will look good with this?  And can I tell what has and has not got tender pickups before buying? 


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Which bit of the loco 'trips over' - the front bogey, or the driving wheels?

What radius is the point - perhaps it is too sharp a turn for the loco?

Is the point making an S bend with another one - for changing from inner to outer loop, etc?

Are you driving the loco's like racing cars?

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Hi All

When I see 'trip' I don't mean that It actually derails, it simply momentarily loses power.  This only happens at fairly low speeds. It seems to be a known issue with the tornadoes.

They standard hornby points and it happens when going straight over.


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Make sure all the wheel-back pick-ups are actually in contact with the wheels!

What is happening, now we know what you mean by 'trips' - is that the plastic frog (the little triangular bit) of the point is of course blocking the electric to whichever wheel happens to be on it, and the others are also losing connection for some reason.

This is almost always caused by wheels being fractionally lifted off the track, or bad pick-ups.

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