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TTS decoder CV7


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I have just fitted a new Crosti TTS decoder, and like a lot of these I have purchased, CV7 does not call up The TTS decoder, just the standard one.

As advised previously, I have forced it to TTS Steam, and all seems fine.

Is it just me and my Railmaster/Elink, or is Hornby just not getting it right?


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This was all kind of explained in some detail a while ago. The CV7 value which is the firmware code for some TTS decoders is also the same as for the R8249.


The plan I believe was for CV157 I think it was, to further qualify that ID, hence RM would read CV7 then this other CV to be able to definitively declare which decoder it was reading, then fill in the correct listing table.


Obviously until all these ‘codes’ are in place the application will keep wrongly ID’ing decoders. Then there will be the problem of legacy TTS decoders in use without the additional CV qualifier. A bit of a curate’s egg unfortunately. At present we can only use the workaround.


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