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Trains Won't Run

Tumble Bum

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Hi All, My sun received a Mixed freight set and he loves it.  But I'm not sure if he's done something to it, as the trains won't run.  I've tried to recode them with the select controller, but after I go through the process in the instruction manual, the red light blinks 8 times.  This happens for both engines, and the book says that the engines should be recoded when the light blinks 8 times.  I'm a lost, and quite new to this whole thing, so any help would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks in advance!


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Have a look at these YouTube videos relating to using the Select.



However be cautious as some of these videos are very old and relate to early pre 1.2 Select firmware. How to use the Select changed with firmware release 1.2.


When the Select powers up, three numbers are displayed sequentially nn followed by 30 followed by 03. The nn represents the installed firmware level, for example 12 = version 1.2, 15 = version 1.5 etc.


Please tell us what firmware release your Select is to receive more tailored advice.

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Please also tell us what has happened since it last ran OK because quite often that gives a good clue as to what has gone wrong.

(Just scroll down to the bottom of the page to reply in the white box, rather than using the blue square with a white arrow, that just copies unnecessarily, the post you have clicked on).

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Thanks for this guys, much appreciated.  Ok, it reads 15 when you start the select up.  So I guess it is the newer firmware.  I'm not exactly sure what has happened since they last ran correctly.  That's the issue.  I'm not sure if my boy has hit something he shouldn't have, or mistakenly programmed something into the engines.  It's just now they won't respond to the controller, and won't let the controller put them under a new number.

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Hi Tumble Bum

try and reset the controller it’s in the instructions on how to do it and then try and use your locos again and if it fails then try and reprogram the loco but try the controller first it is also in another post as well that has just been posted yesterday or the day before 


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The chances are that anything done inadvertently has not done any actual damage.  If there has been a short on the layout, that may have made the decoders revert to default 03 address.


As has already been said, start by resetting the controller.  Then put each loco on the track individually and try it to see if it works on 03, then if that doesn’t work, on the address you had changed it to when running previously. If it works on either, then try reprogramming to what you want if different. Then try the other loco. Make sure when trying to reprogram that track and loco wheels are spotlessly clean and try a little downward pressure on the loco if still having problems. 

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Ok, I've gone through, and reset the controller.  Nothing.  Tried them on the addresses that we had assigned to them.  Nothing. Tried the engines on 3.  Nothing.  I've tried to reprogram multiple times with both engines.  I go through the process stated in the instructions,(as well as using fishman's pressure trick) and after I pic the new number, hit select, the light blinks 8 times.  As I said, I've done this multiple times, and it is the same everytime.  The instructions say if it blinks 8 times, you should try to reprogram.  So, at this stage, I'm as lost as I can be.

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Ok, I've gone through, and reset the controller.  Nothing.  Tried them on the addresses that we had assigned to them.  Nothing. Tried the engines on 3.  Nothing.  I've tried to reprogram multiple times with both engines.  I go through the process stated in the instructions,(as well as using fishman's pressure trick) and after I pic the new number, hit select, the light blinks 8 times.  As I said, I've done this multiple times, and it is the same everytime.  The instructions say if it blinks 8 times, you should try to reprogram.  So, at this stage, I'm as lost as I can be.

switch on the select ,allow it to go through it's start up sequence ,then place a coin on the track ,the select should show OL on its display ,this test will tell you if there is a dcc supply on the track ?

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've powered up the select and tried the coin bit, but it just keeps reading the loco number.  OL does not come up.  Could it be that the track needs a good cleaning?  The engines as well?  I'm at a loss here.  I really do appreciate all the imput for a novice such as myself! Cheers!

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Check that the wires from the Select are really connected to the track!

As the unit does not show OL (short circuit) when you connect the tracks with a coin, that indicates there is NO power going to them.

Try a loop of wire from one Select output connector to the other - does it now show OL?

Then try joining the ends of the track connector together, and see if you get OL.

If you don't, there's a break in one of the wires.

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I've powered up the select and tried the coin bit, but it just keeps reading the loco number.  OL does not come up.  Could it be that the track needs a good cleaning?  The engines as well?  I'm at a loss here.  I really do appreciate all the imput for a novice such as myself! Cheers!

check the connections on your select and ,i assume you are using the supplied track connector 

these are spring loaded ,could these be damaged ?

one other thought 

you have not connected the wires to the 16v aux output  by mistake ?

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If you are using a 1 amp power supply unit then all an overload will do is cause the wall wart to drop voltage and the Select to restart over and over. Its in the manual. The OL condition comes on only if you are using a 4 amp PSU.

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