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Track Plan: reorientation

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After a disastrous calamity when the legs on my layout board collapsed, the room has now had a makeover and we have rearranged how things are set out.


This means I am now controlling the layout for the other side of the board so I need to turn my RM track plan over by 180º. I suspect this means having to start from scratch unless someone has any other ideas, please?


I'm pleased to report that, after a number of weeks of inaction and works going on in the room, plus what seems to be a pretty awful crashing of everything to the ground, at first testing this morning, all signals and turnouts were working OK and the first train to run ran almost perfectly. That was a huge relief as I did not fancy having to get underneath to re-do a load of the wiring!


Many thanks.

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Someone asked this a while back, and I thought about writing a computer program to do it. I even went as far as working out how to convert the x,y co-ordinates of each track piece after rotation of +-90 or 180 degrees around the centre point. But then I gave it up at the point where I needed to convert point and curve icons to their rotated equivalents.


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OK, thanks. I will spend an evening on my laptop in front of the TV redoing my plan. Not really a chore, quite enjoyable really. Sorry you were not able to finish your program, St1ngr4y! 


If I do, I'll add a post to this thread.

This is as far as I got to loading my layout into an Excel spreadsheet by program...



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OK, thanks. I will spend an evening on my laptop in front of the TV redoing my plan. Not really a chore, quite enjoyable really. Sorry you were not able to finish your program, St1ngr4y! 


Over the weekend, I managed to get my spreadsheet to convert my layout by rotating it through 90, 180 and 270 degrees. It is about 90% satisfactory, in that all of the track pieces are converted and placed correctly. This is because all of the track pieces have alternative rotated icons which replace the originals after rotation. With a bit of adjustment, it can even get the point buttons to the right place. However, items such as signals, text labels and maybe user created icons such as platforms cannot be rotated individually, but they are moved to roughly the correct place, but remain in their original orientation.

I am a little reluctant to post a link to my OneDrive cloud storage, in case I am sued for breech of copyright by Hornby or Invicto. However, if you can still use it, you could ask the Forum Administrator to provide you with my email address, so that I can send it to you directly. The spreadsheet is in Excel 2016 (Office 365) format. If you have an earlier version of Excel, I can create that version for you. If you don't have Excel, then you will need to wait until I can re-create the functionality in Visual Basic.


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Ray I can’t see a problem doing what you are doing as it certainly isn’t back engineering the RM program code in any way nor is it fiddling with the workings of say eLink or other controller.


I still wouldn’t be linking directly to a personal cloud drive. For large file transfers I use WeTransfer free service which allows sending up to 2GB of files to any email address. Just Google WeTransfer and go to the free option.


I have done trackplans in xml code as you have done in Excel and I could let you have sight of that if it would help with syntax for x,y coords and rotational notation.


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This is what the spreadsheet can do using one of the Hornby Layouts supplied with RM ...






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Hi Chris,

The member BagEndJct requested the Forum Administrator to pass on his email address to me so that we can communicate directly. I have since sent him a link to a folder in my OneDrive storage area, which hopefully will give him access to the spreadsheet.

You could do this too if you want to or, if you have an account on the RMWeb forum, send me a personal message from there. My username on there is the same as on here.


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Ray kindly sent me the link to his spreadsheets. I downloaded the rotation one and ran it. At first I had to change various security permissions to allow it to run but then, I pointed it to my Railmaster directory, chose the one I wanted rotated from the list and, flash, 3 new plan files were created. The one I wanted (90 degress) I loaded into Railmaster and there it was. Absolutely brilliant and save me tedious hours doing that maually. Thank you so much! 

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I am unsure how I obtain a copy of this file? How do I ask Admin to pass my email?



I think you need to send an email to Adam, the Forum Administrator whose address is:-




asking him to pass your email address on to me, so that I can then email you. Quote my username - St1ngr4y.



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