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There seems to be several reported issues surrounding the ARC PRO which in reality are not normally the system itself but user/device error or just lack of knowledge (neither meant in a bad way).

Writing software which needs to work on multiple platforms & multiple devices can be a nightmare so we should not under estimate the excellent work scalextric have put into the app - I would suggest for most people it just works, as the norm is only to refer to this site when things go wrong.

Is there a FAQ somewhere which describes potential issues and possible solutions ? - if not maybe someone with more knowledge than me could undertake the challenge of putting something together. There are a few contributors on here who certainly have the experience although maybe not the time.

I am thinking more towards newcomers rather than the experienced racers. What maybe obvious to some needs explaining to others as we all have different levels of experience and knowledge.



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I know some users are thinking along the same lines and heartily support it (note: I am not a Sclextric /H ornby employee).

It would seem to me to be a much more proactive and enjoyable way to resolve issues rather than ranting as some have done...

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